Monday, May 31, 2021


LOL, Abiy Ahmed just came out defending himself on things he said in the revealing leaked audio published by Kello Media early this evening. His whole point is that the audio is doctored. Well, little boy shouldn’t worry because authenticating doctored or non-doctored audio is a simple technical stuff which can independently be verified😎
May be a Twitter screenshot of text that says 'Thread ብንቅር። Office of the Prime Minister- Ethi... @PMEthiopia The Office of the Prime Minister wishes to affirm that supposed leaked audio of Prime Minister @AbiyAhmedAli during Prosperity Party meeting of last week is a FAKE audio compilation which has been put together by drawing on different unrelated remarks made by the PM. 1/2'


#Ethiopia #EthiopianNews #Sergegna Wegoch #GEBEYANU #ግብፅ ጠላታችን ምን አመጣው?


Civilian abuses by Eritrean troops reported in Oromia and rest of Ethiopia 


 Sunday thread: beyond jingoistic patriotism & rallies.

Source; Tsedale Lemma

In the last 3 years the leadership of PM Abiy has offered Ethiopia to the west inch by inch, including inserting the US & WB in the GERD negotiations, compromising the policy independence the TPLF led EPRDF closely guarded.
Important to note that it’s Ethiopians who fiercely rallied behind the slogan #Itsmydam (1st used by Dr Seleshi & introduced by journalist Elias Meseret), forcing PM Abiy & his politicians to wrestle back GERD negotiations from the grips of the US & WB after they offered it for grabs.
Likewise, the decision by PM Abiy to dismantle the EPRDF & the developmental state economic policy, which was inspired by Asian Tigers + China, was meticulously overseen by the West/America.
Yes TPLF/EPRDF’s developmental state policy was debilitatingly undermined by kleptocracy & a crippling authoritarianism. But
that was barely the reason for its unceremonious undoing.
So, this notion that Abiy’s Ethiopia is pushing back against the West’s meddling is nothing but:
A/ an embarrassing push back against the demand/sanction by the west to stop the war crimes being committed in Tigray, and
B/ A paranoid electioneering even when the results are a sweeping win for the incumbent. This cause is laughable because the results of an election that takes place after jailing your formidable opposition & systematically pushing out what’s left of prison is a foregone conclusion.
So both reasons didn’t need rallies & posters because: A/ The west/America are putting the pressure after they have seen the neoliberal Ethiopia they wanted to create under PM Abiy is not only unable to stop the war crimes in Tigray & change course to their values of democracy but has become a liability to whatever interests they have in the Horn.
When a PM they have propped up as a “reformer” turned to a man overseeing a devastating civil war against his own people, by teaming up with an unhinged dictator in Isaias Afwerki & a jailer of his opposition so that he can capture a neoliberal state they wanted to see by using uncontested election, (needless to say by disenfranchising millions of voters), it becomes obvious that his western handlers drop him like a hot potato & distance themselves. That’s how their worldview functions.
The rallies aren’t going to serve electioneering either because there is so much to a legitimate government than holding an election; so much than winning & losing an election; & so much than animating a crowd (in times of COVID) by evoking jingoistic patriotism of an empire state.
And drooling for Putin, Erdogan & Xi isn’t a replacement of an independent foreign policy which will withstand the neoliberal world that is financing Ethiopia’s so called “reform”; it’s intended to make Ethiopia a pawn in a game it’ll ultimately end up losing.
Vicious cycle! 🤦🏿‍♀️

Saturday, May 29, 2021


 #Ethiopia: Diplomatic scoop

Minister of Foreign Affairs of #Finland and #EU envoy to Ethiopia Pekka Haavisto held discussion with UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres yesterday on "the alarming humanitarian situation in #Tigray, Ethiopia. Important that humanitarian workers are protected and humanitarian access guaranteed. Action is needed to help civilians."
Source: Finish Foreign Ministry
Picture: Archive/Agencies
May be an image of 3 people, people standing and suit


 HD ABO jaal Daawud Ibsaa Caamsaa 3/2021 irraa eegalanii quunnamtiin irraa citee namnis isaan dubbisuu hin dandeenye.

[SQ-Caamsaa 29/2021]
HDABO jaal Daawud Ibsaa Hagayya 1/2020 irraa qabanii murni shiftaa pp hojii idilee isaanii irratti akka hin argamnee fi waajjira ABO muummee Gullallee akka hin seenne erga godhanii waajjirra ABO Muummee Gullallees humna nageenyaa Finfinneen erga eegamuu eegalee har'a baatiin 10 darbanii jiru.
Baatiiwwan 10 dabarsine kana keessatti HD ABO Jaala Daawud Ibsaa irratti shirri murna shiftaan dalagamaa ture cimina namoota kaayyootti cichanii fi cichoomina HDn keessa darbaa dhaabicha baraaraa kan as gahame yoo tahu Ebla 1/2021 irraa eegalanii Mana jireenyaa HD ABO jaal Daawud namni tokko illee alaa gara keessattis tahe keessaa gara alaatti akka hin baane erga godhamee booda Caamsaa 3/2021 immoo bifa adda taheen humni waraanaa Finfinnee nama Lammaa Tasfaayee Jedhamuun hogganamee saamicha mana jireenyaa isaanii irratti cabsanii raawwataniin qabeenyaan mana jiru hunda bilbiloota harkaa ,Komputera dabalatee subbaa ykn shaanxaa Huccuu qabatee jiru guutummaatti saamanii deemaniiru.
HDn ABO caamsaa 3/2021 irraa eegalanii hanga ammaatti quunnamtii tokko malee mana jireenyaa isaanii keessatti hidhamanii akka jiranii fi eegdota isaanii dhuunfaa humnootni waraanaa qabanii ukkaamsuun gara mana hidhaa magaalaa Buraayyuutti akka hidhaman erga taasifamanii booda isaanis caamsaa 26/2021 irraa qabanii mana hidhaa Buraayyuu keessaa baafamuun gara mooraa Waraanaa Awaash geeffamuun gammoojjii keessatti dararamaa jiraachuun barameera.
HDn ABO jaal Daawud Ibsaa yeroo ammaa kana haalli keessa jiran beekamuu baatus tajaajila quunnamtii kamuu akka hin qabannee fi nama tokko waliin akka wal hin quunnamne ajaja MM Abiyyi Ahimed irraa kennameen hanga filannoo kijibaa gaggeeffannu HDn ABO jaal Daawud quunnamtii kamuu akka hin qabaanne kan jedhu ajajni darbee jiraachuu maddeen Sagalee Qeerroo mirkaneeffatanii jiru.
Akka Maddeen Sagalee Qeerroo jedhanitti HD ABO Jaal Daawud quunnamtii irraa kutuu jechuun ijaarsa MCBNO amma isaan akka dhaabaattii eegalan akka hin hundoofne gochuuf Jaal Daawudiin quunnamtii ala gochuu kan jedhu akka tahe mirkaneeffannee jirra.
Ugguramuu fi saamicha HD ABO Jaal Daawud Ibsaa irratti tahe Ilaalchisee Gamtaa Afrikaatti dameen falmaa Mirga Namoomaa fi Dhaabbatni Fannoo Diimaa Addunyaa HD ABO jaal Daawud Ibsaa dubbisuuf yaaliin godhan humnoota waraanaa mana HD fuuldura akka namni hin seenne eeganiin dhorkamanii deebifamuun ni yaadatama.
HD ABO jaal Daawud Ibsaa Abbaa Imaanaa fi abbaa kaayyoo cichoominaa waan tahanii fi dantaan ummata Oromoo kan qabsoofneef galma hin geenye jedhanii akka dhaabaattii fi waan hogganaa tokko irraa eegamu waan raawwataniif qofa uggurrii fi saamichi akka irratti raawwatamuuf daandii bane baruun dandahameera.
Yeroo amma kana HDn ABO jaal Daawud Caamsaa 3/2021 irraa eegalanii maal keessa akka jiran baruun rakkisaa tahus mana jireenyaa isaanii keessatti hojjettuu nyaata bilcheessituu fi daa'ima xiqqoo waliin akka guyyaa eegdotni dhuunfaa isaanii fi qondaalli siyaasaa ABO Jaal Waaqoon qabaman kan manatti hafe isaan qofa tahuu baruun dandahameera.
Qabsoon keenya galma gahuuf ummatni Oromoo qabsaa'ota haqaa fi dhugaaf cichanii dhaabbatan cina ahiriiree Abbootii Irreetti galma gahuuf yeroo ammaa hundeeffama MCBNO eegalamee jiru utubuun tahuu hubachiisna.

Friday, May 28, 2021



Schools in Ethiopia’s Tigray region pillaged, occupied: HRW

Prominent human rights group says all warring sides implicated in the attacking, looting and occupying of schools since start of conflict.

A looted classroom at Ksanet Junior Secondary School in Wukro, north of Mekelle [File: Eduardo Soteras/AFP]
A looted classroom at Ksanet Junior Secondary School in Wukro, north of Mekelle [File: Eduardo Soteras/AFP]

A quarter of all schools in Ethiopia’s Tigray region have been damaged during a months-long conflict, according to a prominent human rights group, which accused all fighting sides of looting and occupying educational facilities.

Thousands of people, if not more, are estimated to have been killed and almost two million displaced in the northern region after fighting broke out in November 2020 between its then-ruling party, the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF), and the Ethiopian military. Forces from neighbouring Eritrea and the adjacent Ethiopian region of Amhara entered the conflict in support of Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s federal government.

In a report released on Friday, Human Rights Watch (HRW) documented attacks on schools after conducting more than a dozen interviews with residents, teachers, parents and former students.

“All warring parties have been implicated in attacking, pillaging and occupying schools across the Tigray region,” Laetitia Bader, HRW’s Horn of Africa Director and one of the report’s authors, told Al Jazeera.

“This has an impact not only on children’s ability to receive an education now, but it also has a much longer impact on schoolchildren’s ability to receive the education they have been missing for the past six months,” said Bader.

Citing one example, Bader said Ethiopian troops occupied, fortified and used as a watchtower the Atse Yohannes preparatory school in the regional capital, Mekelle, destroying much of the property inside.

HRW said it was able to confirm – via the usage of satellite imagery, videos and photos – the presence of military vehicles inside the school in December and March.

After Ethiopian troops left the school, Mekelle residents found widespread damage to classrooms and offices, as well as destruction of electrical installations and water pipes, according to the United States-based rights group.

In April, Tigray’s government-appointed interim administration presented aid groups with a list of damaged and pillaged property at the school – from pens and student records to 288 burned chairs and three destroyed science labs.

“I have given my life and service to the school,” one teacher told HRW. “There is now nothing left to try and begin again, to resume classes. The school won’t be functional even for next year, because of the damage. Everything was taken,” the teacher said.

HRW further said recent government efforts to reopen schools have partly been hampered by ongoing insecurity, damage to schools and protection concerns for students and teachers.

“There is real fear to return to school because forces that have been abusing and using these schools are still around,” Bader said.

In western Tigray, where the United States has asserted that ethnic cleansing has taken place, fighting has displaced many teachers and left shortages of learning materials, according to HRW.

Education ministry estimates say that 48,500 teachers are in need of psychosocial and mental health support, while some teachers at private schools are struggling to feed their families due to unpaid salaries.

Now in its seventh month, the conflict has sparked fears of a protracted war with devastating effects for the civilian population.

This week, the United Nations’ top humanitarian official warned that urgent measures are needed to avoid famine, while reports of massacres, rape and other atrocities continue to emerge.



The Oromo political prisoners will not attend future scheduled court dates until those acquitted by the court are released. Jawar Mohammed, Bekele Gerba, Hamza Borana et al. will join the hunger strike with Tigray for the next two days, says Jawar Mohammed in court today. 
The court started today with Hamza Borana leading the one minute moment of silence and prayer by all political prisoners for the teenager Amanuel Wondimu who was extrajudicially executed in the public square in front of his mother, father, brothers, sisters, and mass crowd in Dembi Dollo. 
During today's court hearing, Jawar Mohammed and Bekele Gerba said that the Oromo nationalists are being tortured in the deserts such as Awash Arba, even though they are said to be free in court. They added, "we have respect for you judges, but you, the judges here, cannot make a difference on your own because you are part of the system.” They said that they will not come to court until the release of those who have been acquitted. 
Another matter Jawar Mohammed addressed in court today is that they will go on a hunger strike for two consecutive days. The reason is to show their solidarity and support for the people of Tigray, who are fighting against genocide, rape and starvation. As is known, the people of Tigray have closed their homes and are on a hunger strike in protest of the massacre, rape and widespread abuses since yesterday. They said that Oromo political prisoners in Kaliti also stand by the people of Tigray, who are making harsh sacrifices for their rights.
The prosecutor asked a long period of adjournment to provide its statement of claim regarding the hearing of witnesses behind the curtain, in accordance with the last remand of Federal Supreme Court. Then Jawar Mohammed et al. accepted the long period of adjournment asked by the prosecutor. Since court orders and rulings are not being obeyed by the executive branch of the government, particularly on account of the superior order, the political prisoners asked for a 2-5 years long adjournment. However, the court adjourned to June 7th and June 17th for the statement of claim and statement of defense, respectively, and advised the political prisoners not to be absent from the hearings.