Thursday, July 9, 2020


ከአርቲስት ሃጫሉ ሁንዴሳ ግድያ ጋር ተያይዞ በኦሮሚያ ውስጥ እየተካሄደ ያለውን ህዝባዊ አመፅ አስመልክቶ ከኦሮሞ ቄሮ ለነፃነት ድርጅት የተሰጠ አጭር መግለጫ
ጭካኔን የተሞላው መላው የኦሮሞ ህዝብ ያስደነገጠና መሪር ሃዘን ውስጥ የከተተው የአርቲስት ሃጫሉ ሁንዴሳ መገደል በአገር ውስጥና በውጭ ሃገራት የሚኖሩትን የኦሮሞ ቄሮ ለነፃነት ታጋዮችን ይህ ነው የማይባል አቻ የሌለው ሃዘን ውስጥ መክተቱ ይታወቃል::

የኦሮሞ የአይን ብሌን የሆነው የሃጫሉ ሁንዴሳን መሰዋት ሰበብ በማድረግ የኦሮሞን ህዝብ ትግል አቅጣጫ ለማሳትና የኦሮሞን ህዝብ ሊወጣው ወደማይችለው የባርነት አዘቅት ውስጥ ለማስገባት እንደ ፖለቲካ መሳሪያነት እየተገለገሉበት መሆኑን እየተካሄደ ያለው የወቅቱ አካሄድ በግልፅ ያሳያል:: በሰኔ 22 ቀን 2012 ዓ.ም በተፈፀመው ከጀግናው አርቲስት ሃጫሉ ሁንዴሳ ግድያ ጋር ተያይዞ ያለውን ሁኔታ መንግስት ነፃና ገለልተኛ በሆነ አካል አስመርምሮ ለኦሮሞ ህዝብና ለመላው የአለም ህዝቦች እንዲገልፅ የተጠየቀ ቢሆንም እስከ አሁን ድረስ ምንም ምላሽ ያልተሰጠበትና ይልቁንም ሃላፊነት በጎደለው መልኩ የመንግስት ባለስልጣናትና ሃላፊዎች ለፕሮፖጋንዳነት እየተጠቀሙበት ያሉ ሲሆን በተቃዋሚ የኦሮሞ ፖለቲካ ድርጅቶች ላይ በሚዲያዎቻቸው አማካኝነት የማሸማቀቅ ዘመቻ ከፍተዋል::

ቄሮ ለነፃነት (Qeerroo Bilisummaa) አርቲስቱ ከተሰዋበት ከስርኔ 22 ቀን 2012 ዓ.ም አንስቶ በሁሉም የኦሮሚያ ክፍሎች ውስጥ በተቀናጀና ጀግንነት በተሞላ መልኩ እምቢተኝነቱንና ለኦሮሞ ህዝብ በቁርጠኝነት መፋለሙን ቀጥሎበታል:: በየወረዳና በየቀበሌውም ውስጥ ከፍተኛ መስዋዕትነት እየተከፈለ ይገኛል:: በአንፃሩ ይሄ መንግስት ሆን ብሎ ኦሮሚያን የጦርነትና የረብሻ አውድማ በማድረግ ህዝቡ እንዳይረጋጋ እያደረገ ይገኛል::

የአገር መከላከያ ሰራዊት ሃላፊነት በማይሰማው መልኩ በየከተማውና በየገጠሩ ህዝቡን እየዘረፈና እየገደለ ማሰቃየቱን የእለት ተእለት ተግባሩ አድርጎታል:: እስራት ስቃይና ህዝብ ወደ ጫካ መሸሽ በሁሉም የኦሮሚያ ክፍሎች ውስጥ የተለመደ ሆኗል:: ይህ ድርጊት መፍትሄ ከማጣቱ የተነሳ የኦሮሞ ቄሮና ቀሬ ቀደም ብሎ ዘርግቶት ባለው መዋቅሩ በመታገዝ ስር ነቀል ለውጥንና የኦሮሞን ህዝብ ድል ሙሉ በሙሉ ለማስከበር መራራ ትግል ለማድረግ በሁሉም የኦሮሚያ ከተሞች ውስጥ የባርነት እምቢተኝነት አመፅ (Fincila Diddaa Gabrummaa) እያካሄደ ይገኛል:: ይህ ነው የማይባል መስዋዕትነት እየከፈለም ነው::

ኢንተርኔት ከማቋረጡ ጋር ተያይዞ መንግስት የኦሮሞ ቄሮ ለነፃነት ሆነ የሰብአዊ መብት ተሟጋቾችን በሙሉ የሚያወጧቸውን መግለጫዎንም ሆነ ድምፃቸውን ለአለም ህዝቦች እንዳያሰሙ ችግር ፈጥሯል:: በየቦታው እየተደረገ ያለውን የኦሮሞን ህዝብ የዕንቢተኝነት ትግል እስራትና ግድያ እስከ አሁን መዘገብ በጭራሽ አልተቻለም:: በዚህ ሁኔታ ውስጥ ያለን ህዝብ ድምፁን አፍነው እየገደሉና እስር ቤት እያጎሩ ማሰቃየትን ሆን ብለው ቀጥለውበታል::

ከሰኔ 22 ቀን 2012 ዓ.ም ጀምሮ በተገኘው መረጃ (data) መሰረት ቄሮ ቢሊሱማ ኦሮሞን የደረሰው እንደሚገልፀው እስከ አሁን ድረስ በሰላማዊ መንገድ ሃዘኑን ሊገልፅ ከወጣው ህዝብ መሃከል 482 ሰዎች በመንግስ ታጣቂ ሃይሎች ሲገደሉ ከ7000 በላይ የሚሆኑ ሰላማዊ ዜጎች ታፍነው የደረሱበት አልታወቀም:: ይህ ከሁሉም ኦሮሚያ አካባቢ የተሰበሰበ ዘገባ እንደሚጠቁመው ከሞቱት ሌላ 1300 ሰዎች ቆስለዋል:: የቆሰሉትም ሰዎች ህክምና እንዳያገኙ ተከልክለው አብዛኞቻቸው የሚሞቱበትን ቀን በመጠባበቅ ላይ ይገኛሉ::

ይህ ሁሉ መስዋእትነት ቄሮ ቢሊሱማ ኦሮሞን ከትግሉ ወደሗላ አልመለሰውም:: ሊመልሰውም አይችልም:: የተማከለው የኦሮሞ ህዝብ ትግል በቄሮ ለነፃነት ድርጅትና ለኦሮሞ ህዝብ ሃቅ በሚታገሉ የፖለቲካ ድርጅቶች መሪነት ቀጥሎበታል:: ትግሉ ከግብ እስከሚደርስ ድረስ የእምቢተኝነት ትግሉ (FDG) በከተማ ውስጥም ሆነ በገጠር ውስጥ የሚካሄድና ለአንድ አፍታም ቢሆን የማይቆም መሆኑን ለህዝባችን ለማረጋገጥ እንፈልጋለን:: የቄሮ ለነፃነት ትግል መዋቅር ከቀድሞው በበለጠ እጅግ ተጠናክሮ ሰፍቶ በሰከነና ሙያዊ ብቃትን የተካነ እቅድ አውጥቶ ከኮለኔል አብይ አህመድ ጀርባ መሽጎየኦሮሞን ህዝብ ሊጫን እያለመ ያለውን አሮጌውን ጨቋኝ ስርአት ተነቅሎ ግብዓተ መሬቱ እስኪፈፀም ድረስ በቁርጠኝነት ትግሉን የምንቀጥልበት መሆኑን እናረጋግጣለን::

በአሁን ሰዓት ከአርቲስት ሃጫሉ ሁንዴሳ መሰዋት ጋር በማያያዝ በኦሮሚያና በኦሮሞ ህዝብ ላይ ተከፍቶ ያለው ዘመቻ ከዚህ በታች ተዘርዝረዋል::

    1. በአገር ውስጥ በሰላማዊ መንገድ ለመታገል ከውጭ ወደ አገር ውስጥ የገቡትን የኦሮሞ ድርጅት መሪዎችና አባላትን ማሰር
    2. የተቃዋሚ ድርጅቶች ቢሮና ንብረት የሆኑትን በሙሉ በመዝረፍ ቢሮውን መዝጋት
    3. በኦሮሞ ስም የተቋቋሙ ሚዲያዎችን እንደ OMN, ONN እና የቄሮ ድምፅ (SQ) ያሉት ላይ በመዝመት እንዳይዘግቡ መከልከል እንዲሁም ጋዜጠኛን ማሰር
    4. የኦሮሞ ቄሮ ለነፃነት ትግልን ለመግታት ሲባል በከተማና በገጠር ውስጥ አፋን ኦሮሞን የማይችሉ ባህሉን ጨርሰው የማያውቁ እንዲሁም ለኦሮሞ ህዝብ ይህ ነው የማይባል ጥላቻ አላቸው ብለው የሚያስቡትን ከሌሎች አጎራባች ክልሎች አምጥተው ኦሮሚያ ውስጥ በማሰማራት ህዝቡን ማስደብደብና ማስገደል
    5. የህዝብ አገልግሎት ሰጪ የሆኑትን ሁሉ እንደ መብራት ዉሃ መንገድና ትራንስፖርት የመሳሰሉትን ማቋረጥ የግልና የመንግስት የህክምና ተቋማትን መዝጋት
    6. በመላው አገሪቷ የኢንተርኔት አገልግሎት በማቋረጥ ማንኛውም መረጃ በአገሪቷ ውስጥ እንዳይሰማና ወደ ውጭም እንዳይወጣ እንዲሁም ማንኛውም ዓይነት የመረጃ ልውውጥ እንዳይደረግ በር መዝጋት
    7. በሁሉም ኦሮሚያ ዞኖች ውስጥ የሚገኙትን የሃይማኖት አባቶች መምህራንና በየአካባቢያቸው የተከበሩ አዛውንቶችን በማስፈራራትና በማሸማቀቅ እስር ቤት ማጎር የመሳሰሉትን በኦሮሞ ህዝብ ላይ እያደረሱ ነው:: 

የብልፅግና መንግስት በአሁኑ ሰዓት በአገሪቷ ውስጥ ያለው ችግር በጎሳና በጎሳ መካከል እንደተፈጠረ በማስመሰል በሚዲያና በካድሬዎቹ አማካኝነት የፖለቲካ ንግድ በማካሄድ ላይ ይገኛል:: ቄሮ ለኦሮሚያ ነፃነት ሲል የሚያካሄደው ትግል ማንኛውንም ብሄር የማይነካና ማንንም በጠላትነት ፈርጆ የሚታገል ሳይሆን የተዳፈነውን የኦሮሞ ህዝብ ሃቅ ማስመለስ ብቻ ላይ ያለመ ነው:: የቄሮ ትግል የኦሮሞን ህዝብ መብት እውን ከማድረግ የዘለለ ሌላ የፖለቲካ ተልዕኮ እንዳሌለው ለዘመናት ሲያደርገው የነበረው እንቅስቃሴ ምስክር ነው:: ስለሆነም በአገር ውስጥም ሆነ በውጭ ሃገራት የሚኖረው ህዝባችን እንደ አለፉት አመታት ሁሉ ካለ አንዳች መነጣጠል የኦሮሞ ነፃነት ትግልን ከግብ ለማድረስ የኦሮሞ ቄሮ ለነፃነት ትግልን እንዲያበርርታታ ስንል መልእክታችንን እናስተላልፋለን::

የብልፅግና መንግስት የኦሮሞ የሰጠውን እድልና ያለውን እድል ትዕግስት በመናቅ ህዝባችን በአለም ህዝቦች ፊት እንዲዋረድ በማድረግ ለኦሮሞ ህዝብና የፖለቲካ ድርጅቶች ያለውን ንቀት በግልፅ አሳይተዋል:: የኦሮሞ የፖለቲካ ድርጅት አመራሮችን በማናለብኝነት በማሰር በማሰቃየትና በያዙት ሚዲያዎቻቸው ላይ በማውገዝና ያለ ምንም ማስረጃ ስማቸውን ማጉደፍ የንቀታቸው ማሳያ ነው::

የኦሮሞ ህዝብ እንደ አይኑ ብሌን የሚያያቸው አመራሮቹን መናቅ የኦሮሞን ህዝብ መናቅ ነው:: የኦሮሞ ህዝብ ተስፋ የሆኑትን አመራሮች ማቅለልና አስሮ ማሰቃየት የኦሮሞን ህዝብ መጥላት ነው:: ይህንን ሁኔታ እንዲቀየር ለማድረግ ያለን ብቸኛ አማራጭ አንድና አንድ ብቻ ነው:: በግልፅ አነጋገር እንደተለመደው የነፃነት ትግላችንን በማፋፋም ጭቆናን ከስር መሰረቱ ነቅለን ጥለን ህዝባችንን የነፃነትና የዲሞክራሲን ብርሃን ማጎናፀፍ ነው::

ከዚህ ግርጌ የተዘረዘሩትን አንድ በአንድ እራሱን ብልፅግና ብሎ የሚጠራውና በኮሎኔል አብይ መሐመድ የሚመራው መንግስት በአስቸኳይ ካልተገበረ አሁን በአገሪቷ ውስጥ የተቀጣጠለው እሳት የማይበርድ መሆኑን ቄሮ ለነፃነት ያስጠነቅቃል::

    1. በተወዳጁና ብርቅዬው አርቲስታችን ሃጫሉ ሁንዴሳ ላይ የተፈፀመው ግድያ ከመንግስት ነፃና ገለልተኛ በሆነ አካል ተመርምሮና ተጣርቶ ዉጤቱን ለህዝብ እንዲገልፅ:: ይህንን ወንጀል የፈፀሙ ግለሰቦችንም ሆነ ከጀርባው ሆነው ያስፈፀሙ አካላትን ለህግ እልዲያቀርቡ
   2. ጠቅላይ ሚኒስቴር ኮሎኔል አብይ አህመድ በአስቸኳይ ስልጣኑን እንዲለቅ:: የፒፒ የስልጣን ዘመን ስላበቃለት ፈርሶ የሽግግር መንግስት እንዲቋቋም
    3. በኦሮሞ ህዝብ ላይ እየተፈፀመ ያለው ግድያና እስራት በአስቸኳይ እንዲቆም::
    4. የኦሮሞ ነፃነት ግምባር (ኦነግ) እና የኦሮሞ ፌደራሊስት ኮንግረስ (ኦፌኮ) አመራሮችን ጨምሮ ሁሉም የፖለቲካ እስረኞች በአስቸኳይ እንዲፈቱ
    5. የኦሮሞ ነፃነት ሰራዊትን ለማደን አሰሳ በማድረግ ሰበብ ምዕራብ ሰሜንና ደቡብ ኦሮሚያን ወሮ ሰላማዊውን ህዝብ ሰላም በመንሳት እያሰቃየ ያለው መከላከያ ሰራዊት ኦሮሚያን ለቆ ወጥቶ ወደመጣበት እንዲመለስ:: የኦሮሞ ህዝብና የኦሮሚያ ሰላም ከኦሮሞ ህዝብ ተወልደው ለህዝባቸው ታማኝና ተቆርቋሪ በሆኑ ፖሊስ አባላት እንዲጠበቅ::
    6. የኦሮሞ ነፃነት ሰራዊት ነህ ተብለው ለተገደሉና ለአካል ጉዳት ለተዳረጉ አካላት ተገቢ ካሳ እንዲሰጣቸው::
    7. ከተቃዋሚ ድርጅቶች ጋር ተገቢ ውይይት በማድረግ ቋሚ ፕሮግራም ተነድፎ ነፃና ፍትሃዊ የሆነ ምርጫ እንዲደረግ
    8. ማንኛውም የህዝብ መገናኛ ሚዲያ እንደ ኢንተርኔት ስልክ እና መብራት የመሳሱሉት እንዲለቀዉ
    9. የኦሮሞ ነፃ ሚዲያዎች እንደ OMN እና ONN ያሉት በአስቸኳይ ስራ እንዲጀምሩ:: ጋዜጠኞቻቸውም ከእስር እንዲለቀቁ:: ከየቢሯቸው የተዘረፉት የሚዲያ መሳሪያዎች እንዲመለሱ
   10. የአገሪቱ የወደፊት እጣ ፈንታና ጉዟችን ወዴት ነው የሚለው ሁሉንም የተቃዋሚ ድርጅቶችን ያቀፈ ሆኖ ብልፅግና ለብቻው የግሉ አድርጎ የያዘውን ስልጣን እንዲያበቃ ማድረግ 

ከዚህ በላይ የተቀመጡት ጥያቄዎች አጥጋቢ መልስ የማያገኙ ከሆነ ቄሮ ለነፃነት እንደካሁን ቀደሙ ሁሉ በኦሮሚያ ውስጥ የተጀመረውን ትግል በማስቀጠል የኦሮሞን ህዝብ የአገሩ ባለቤት የምናደርግ መሆኑን አፅንተን እናስታውቃለን::

በመጨረሻም መላው የኦሮሞ ህዝብ ከአገር ውጭና በአገር ውስጥ ሆኖችሁ ከአባቶቻችሁ እንዲሁም ከኦሮሞ ህዝብ ትግል በወረሳችሁትን ጀግንነት ሳታቋርጡ ቀጣይነት ባለው መልኩ ለነፃነታችሁ እየታገላችሁ ያላችሁ መሆኑን እያየን ያለን ስለሆነ ለእናንተ ታላቅ ክብር አለን:: እንደቀድሟችሁ ሁሉ አንድነታችሁን አጠንክሩ:: አትከፋፈሉ:: ያለ አንዳች የፖለቲካ ልዩነት ትግላችን ወደፊት ከቀጠለ ሃቃችንን በመዳፋችን ውስጥ የምናስገባበት ቅርብ መሆኑን ልናበስራችሁ እንወዳለን:: የቄሮ ለነፃነት ትግል አመራር በመላው ኦሮሚያ ዉስጥ መንግስትን ማነቃነቅና ትግሉን በፅናት ማስቀጠል የሚያስችል በቂ አቅም እንዳለው እናረጋግጥላችሗለን:: ቄሮ ብሩህ የሆነ ዓላማን በመያዝ በሳልና ጨዋነትን በተሞላ እቅድ ይታገዛል:: በቀላሉ ጠላት የማይበግረው የረጋ መዋቅር አለው:: ድርጅታችን ያወጣውን እቅድና የመታገያ ዘዴን በመጠቀም የኦሮሞን ህዝብ በማሰቃየት ላይ ያለውን ጨቋኝ መንግስት እንደሚያንበረክክ ምንም ጥርጣሬ የለንም:: በውጭ አገራትም ሆነ በአገር ውስጥ የምትገኙ ወገኖች ሁሉ የብልፅግና መንግስት ወደ ሽግግር ይወስደናል የሚል ተስፋ ጨርሶ እንደሌለ አውቃችሁ የጀመራችሁትን እንቅስቃሴ ጠንክራችሁ እንድትቀጥሉበትና ከኦሮሞ ቄሮ ለነፃነት ታጋዮች ጎን በመቆም እንድታበረታቱ መግለፅ እንወዳለን::

ድል ለኦሮሞ ህዝብ!

ዘመኑ የጨቋኝ ስርዓት ማክተሚያ ጊዜ ነው!

የኦሮሞ ቄሮ ለነፃነት

ሐምሌ 6 ቀን 2020 ዓ.ም.


በህገ ወጥ መንገድ የመንግሥት የሥልጣን ጊዜ መራዘሙን ተከትሎ የኦነግ እና ኦፌኮ የጋራ መግለጫ

የፌዴሬሽን ምክርቤት የመንግስትን የስልጣን ዘመን በማራዘሙ ያደረብንን ስጋት መግለጽ እንወዳላን፡፡ ድርጊቱ ሕገ ወጥና ህግን ያልተከተለ ድርግጊት ስሆን ህገ መንግስቱን ከመጣሱም በላይ የሀገሪቱን ሰላም እና መረገጋት አደገ ላይ የሚጥልም ነዉ፡፡ ከመጀመሪያዉም ጀምሮ ህገ መንግስቱ የመንግስትን የስልጣን ዘመን ማራዘም የማይፈቅድ መሆኑን ስንገልጽ ቆይተናል፡፡ በመሆኑም አማራጭ የመፍትሄ ሐሳብ ማቅረባችን የሚታወስ ነዉ፡፡

መንግስት ያቀረበዉን አማራጭ በመቃወም ሌላ አማራጭ የመፍትሄ ሐሳብ ብናቀርብም፤ መንግስት በተናጥል ዉሳኔዉ ጸንተዉ የተወካዮች ምክር ቤት ጉዳዩን ወደ ህገ መንግስት አጣሪ ካዉንስል መርቶታል፡፡ ካዉንስሉም የመንግስትን አቋም ከሚደግፉት ባለሞያዎች ጋር ብቻ የይስሙላ ዉይይት በማድረግ በአሚከሱ (amicus) ላይ የተለየ ምልከታ ያለቸዉ የመደመጥ ዕድሉ ተነፍጓል፡፡ በተጨማሪም የጥቅም ግጪትን የማስቀረት መርህ ተጥሷል፡፡ ስለሆነም ዉሳኔዉ የመንግስትን ፍላጎት የሚያንፀባርቅ መሆኑ የሚገርም አይሆንም፡፡

ከመሠረታዊ የዉክልና ድሞክራሲ መገለጨዎች አንደኛዉ በመደበኛነት በተወሰነ ጊዜ ምርጫ ማካሄድ እና የተመረጡትም የሕዝብ ተወካዮች የሥራ ዘመናቸዉም ለተወሰነ ጊዜ ብቻ ስሆን የስራ ዘመናቸዉም ስጠናቀቅ ኃላፍነታቸዉን የምለቁ ይሆናል፡፡ የኢትዮጵያ ብሔራዊ ምርጫ ቦርድ የኢትዮጵያ ጠቅላላ ምርጫ ለማካሄድ ለነሐሴ 21 2012 ዓ.ም እቅድ ተይዞለት እንደነበር የሚታወስ ነዉ፡፡ ሆኖም ግን የምርጫ ቦርድ መንግስት የኮሮናን ቨይረስ ስርጭትን ለመከላከል በእንቅስቃሴ እና በመሰብሰብ ላይ ገደብ በመጣሉ ምርጫ ለማካሄድ እንደማይችል ገለጸ፡፡ በወቅቱ ምርጨን ለማራዘም ምንም ዓይነት የህገ መንግስት መሠረት ሰይኖር አጠቃላይ ምርጫን ማንሳፈፍ ህገመንግስታዊ ቀዉስ የሚያስከትል እና ከመስከረም 30 2013 ዓ.ም በኃላ አድስ የተመረጠ የህዝብ ተወካዮች ምክር ቤት ሳይኖር ማንኛዉም መንግሥታዊ ዉሳኔና ድርጊት በህገ መንግስቱ በግልጽ የተቀመጠዉን የአምስት ዓመት የስራ ዘመንን የምጥስ ይሆናል፡፡  የህገመንግስቱ አንቀጽ 54(1) እና 58(3) እንዲሁም የምርጫ ህጉ አንቀጽ 7 ምርጫ በየአምስት ዓመቱ መደረግ እንደለበት ይደነግጋል፡፡ የምርጫ ጊዜን ለማራዘም በር የሚከፍት ነገር አያሳይም፡፡

የአሁኑ የኢትዮጵያ ህገ መንግስት በ1987 የፀደቀ ስሆን የመድበለ ፓርቲ ስርዓት እና በየጊዜዉ የምደረግ መደበኛ ምርጫን በሀገሪቱ እዉን ያደረገ ነዉ፡፡  የህዝቦችን በመንግስት አስተዳደር የፖለቲካ ተሳትፎ በሚየረጋግጥ መርህ የተቃኛ ስሆን፤ ህገመንግስቱ የኢትዮጵያ ዲሞክራሲ የፖለቲካ ብዘሃነትን እንደ ወሳኝ መርህ የተቀበለ ነዉ፡፡ የፖለቲካ ፓርቲዎች መብት እና ተግባራትም ከህገ መንግስቱ የተቀደ ሆኖ በሀገሪቱ የፖለቲካ ፓርቲ ህግ ዉስጥ ተካቷል፡፡

በሀገሪቱ የመድበለ ፓርቲ ምህዳር ዉስጥ ተመዝበዉ፤ ንቁ ተሳትፎ በማድረግ ላይ የሚገኙት የፖለቲካ ፓርቲዎች ሁሉ ከላይ በተጠቀሱት ህጎችና መርሆዎች መመራት አለባቸዉ፡፡ ስለሆነም የአከባቢያዊ እና የፌዴራል ምርጫን በተናጠል በአንድ ፓርቲ ብቻ የማራዘም ስልጣንን አጥብቀን እንቃወማላን፡፡ የፌዴሬሽን ምክርቤት ዉሳኔ በዚህ መንግስት ለህዝብ የተገባዉ ቃል በመታጠፉ በቋፍ ላይ ያለዉን የህዝብን ቅራኔ የሚያባብስ ይሆናል፡፡ በመሆኑም ወደ አመጽ ልያመራ የሚችል ሰፊ ህዝባዊ ንቅናቄ ልቀሰቀስ እንደምችል ስጋታችንን መግለጽ እንወደላን፡፡ ይህም ወደ አደባባይ የሚመልሰን ብቻ ሳይሆን ከዘርፈ ብዙ ማህበራዊ፣ ኢኮኖሚያዊ እና የህብረተሰብ ጤና ተግዳሮቶች ጋር እየተጋፈጠ ላለዉ መንግስት ችግሩን ለመቆጣጠር አዳጋች ይሆናል፡፡

በገዢዉ ፓርቲ የኛን እና የሌሎች የፖለቲካ ፓርቲዎችን የመፍቴ ሐሳብ እንዲሁም የዜጎችን ጥሪ  ሙሉ በሙሉ ቸል መባሉ ከመስከረም 30 2013 ዓ.ም በኃላ የሚከሰት ህገ መንግስታዊ ቀዉስን ለማስቀረት ሁሉን አካታች የፖለቲካ ዉይይት አለማድረጉ እጅጉን የሚያሳዝን ነዉ፡፡ የገዢዉ ፓርቲ የራሱን መንግስት የሥራ ዘመን በተናጠል የማራዘም ዉሳኔ ግልጽ የሆነ ህገ መንግስታዊ ጥሰት ከመሆኑም በላይ ስልጣንን ካለአግባብ መጠቀምም ነዉ ብለን እናምናለን፡፡ በተጨማሪም በህገ መንግስቱ የተረጋገጣዉን የዲሞክራሲ እና መድበለ ፓርቲ የመንግስት አስተዳደር መርህ ጋር የሚፃረር ከመሆኑም በላይ በመንግስት ኃላፍነት የተወሰና የሥራ ዘመን የሚለዉን የህገ መንግስት መርሆን የሚሸረሽር ይሆናል፡፡ በዚህም መሠረት የገዢዉን ፓርቲ በተናጠል እና  ኢህገ-መንግስታዊ በሆነ መንገድ የመንግስት የሥራ ዘመንን ለማራዘም  የወሰነዉን የተናጠል ዉሳኔ አጥብቀን እንቃወማለን፡፡ አሁንም በድጋሜ ገዢው ፓርቲ መድረክ አመቻችቶ ከተፎካካሪ ፓርቲዎች ጋር በጥልቀት ተወያይቶ መፍትሄ በማመንጨት ከፓለቲካዊ መግባባት ይደረስ ዘንድ ጥሪያችንን እናቀርባለን።

የኦሮሞ ነፃነት ግንባር
የኦሮሞ ፌዴራላዊ ኮንግረስ
ሰኔ 3, 2020


ጥብቅ ማሳሰቢያ ከጃዋር (ከእስር ቤት )

ውድ የኦሮሞ ልጆች ቀጣዩ ትግላችን እንደተለመደው በውስጣችሁ ያሉ  ሌሎች ብሄር ብሄረሰቦች በመጠበቅ እልህ አስጨራሽ እንደምታደርጉት ሙሉ እምነት አለኝ አንድ አንድ የመንግስት አካላት በናንተ ውስጥ ዱርየዎችን በመቀላቀል ዘረፋ እና ግድያ ለማስፈፀም አቅድ እንዳላቸው አውቃችሁ  ነቅታችሁ እንድትጠብቁ አደራ አላችኋለሁ ሁሉም ቄሮ ከትግል መሪዎቹ የሚሰጡትን የትግል ስልት ሙሉ በሙሉ ተግባር ላይ በማዋል ትግላችንን ለፍሬ እንደምታበቁት ቅንጣት ያክል አልጠራጠር እነሱ መኖር የሚፈልጉት በላይ  እኔም ሆንኩ እናንተ በብዙ እጥፍ ለህዝባችን ለመሞት እንደምንፈልግ እናረጋግጥላቸዋለን ። ሞተንበት ያገኘነውን ድል አደራ ሰተናቸው ቢክዱንም የክህደት ዋጋ ምን አንደሆነ እናሳያቸዋለን ።

የኦሮሞ ልጆች ወደ ሀገሬ ኢትዮጵያ ስመጣ እንደዚህ አይነት ክህደት ሊገጥመኝ እንደሚችል ብገምት ከፈጣሪዬ በታች እናንተን ህዝቦቼን ተመክቼ እንደመጣሁ ሁላችሁም የምታውቁት እውነታ ነው  ። እኔ ምንም ነገር ቢደርስብኝም ቅንጣት ያህል ከትግል ልትመለሱ አደለም ልታስቡትም የማይገባ መሆኑን አውቃችሁ ትግሉን በተቀመጠላችሁ አቅጣጫ እንድታስኬዱት ስል እጠይቃችኋለሁ ።

ታምራት አሉላ

Tuesday, July 7, 2020


Gareen abukaatoo Jawaar Mohaammad, Jawaar akka hin argine dhorkamuu himan.

Gareen abukaatoo namoota jaha qabu Jawaar Mohaammad dubbisuuf har'atti beellamni qabamuufillee wayita deemanitti Jawaar dubbisuu akka dhorkaman himan.

Abukaatoowwan kanneen keessaa tokko kan ta'an Dr Tokkummaa Dhaabaa OMN'tti akka himanitti Jimaata darbes Jawaar dubbisuuf wayita dhaqanitti dhorkamanii har'atti beellamni qabameefi akka ture himu.

Haa ta'u malee guyyaa har'aas Jawaar waliin wal qunnamuu dhorkamuu himu.

Kibxata har'aa naannoo sa'aatii 8 wayita dhaqan manni hidhaa humna jabaan marfamee eegamaa ture kan jedhan Dr Tokkummaan, 'yeroo muraasaaf hin galchinaa nuun jedhaniiru, deemaa sin galchuu hin dandeenyu' jedhanii nu deebisani jedhu.

Mooraatti siquuyyuu hin dandeenye jedhu Dr Tokkummaan.

Obbo Jawaariifi Obbo Baqqalaan Kamisa darbe mana murtiitti kan dhiyaatan abookaatoo malee ture.

Jawaar Mohaammad, Baqqalaa Garbaafi kaanneen isaan waliin to'ataman jiddugala Aadaa Oromootti aanga'oota mootummaa olaanoo walgahiirra turan ajjeesisuun ajjeechaa Waxabajjii 15 kan baraa darbee irra deebi'uuf yaalii godhanii turan jedhe poolisiin Federaalaa.


I feel compelled to say this....

This is mostly to some of my non-Oromo Ethiopian friends - We all know peace is the most desired thing right now in Ethiopia. But I think there is one thing I often see which is a MUST to talk about before the topic of peace is brought up. I think most people have been ignoring, taking it lightly, or just turning their faces away from the demands and questions of the Oromo people (Simple and basic human right). I feel like a lot of people don't understand how serious this is. Without facing and dealing with those demands there could be one Ethiopia by force (I don't know for how long) but one thing  is for sure. There will not be a peaceful Ethiopia. Unrest and chaos is not what I want or by any means promote but that is a reality on the ground we cannot deny. You just have to understand how serious those demands and questions are. 

Any one who speaks about Oromo with a little passion is considered 'ዘረኛ '... Any one who protests is 'የ ጀዋር ቡችሎች' ..... any posts about the protests/Oromo (especially on the big social media accounts) is received with tons of hateful and racist comments....and above all, people are killed and oppressed on their land.. It's just unbelievable how Oromos have been demeaned by the general public and systematically oppressed and abused by governments so far. We should all know that we have got to a generation who will not by any means take that disgrace anymore.  

I have experienced several times in taxis, social gatherings (both here and back home), at school etc... just for speaking in Oromifa or because of my last name where people quietly try to make fun(ሙድ መያዝ)  or at Amharic speaking churches when some people say 'ጌታ ይባርክህ. ተባረክ. የት ቸርች ነዉ የምት ሄደዉ?' and  I say 'የ ኦሮምኛ ቸርች' all of a sudden there is this awkward silence and with uncomfortable and tensed face they say 'ደስ ይላል. ተባረክ'....🙂🙂 I've learned to laugh and move on at these situations but this is not OK...People need to understand that very recently(during my grandparents time) the identity 'Oromo' was on the verge of disappearing. There are many incidents where people were forced to change their names because it was an Oromo name. 

Sadly this is not just the story of the Oromo people. Many other nation and nationalities share the same story but didn't get the front page just because of the magnitude.  

I sometimes feel like the these truths and struggles are like people who were falsely accused and finally released after decades. No body cared about their truth except for their family. The institutions and medias  suppress  the truth and spread false information. The society doesn't bother to know because they are living at 'peace'. There are a lot of false information and misinformation on the social media and other medias. Lets please always seek the truth and stand with the truth, because truth always comes out and will always win not matter how long. 

I'm pretty sure there will be some people who will say 'አንዴ ልካ ዛክ አንዲ ዘረኛ ነው' for writing this. This is not politics or being 'ዘረኛ '. This is speaking and standing up for your dignity and against injustice - basic human right. 

I personally don't hate anyone especially because of their race. I am very sad and against the killings and violence that is going on. As sad as it is, we all know we are talking about Ethiopia and there has always been dirty politics. And on top of that in every society there will be some evil people.  But when you say 'ለ ሰላም ስንል ሁሉን ትተን, ዘረኝነትን ትተን አንድ እንሁን። ፍቅር ይሻለናል።' before hearing the anguish of the people its like saying saying I don't care about your pain and poking the wounds. I don't think its hard to imagine the backfire when that happens. 

My point of saying all this is before we speak of real peace we first have to recognize and hear the anguish of the people. 

For those who believe God put Dr Abiy there and refuse to criticize him I want to remind us all that Saul was God's first choice not David (1 Samuel 13:13). If Saul obeyed God we probably would have never heard of David. My point is just because God put people in  position doesn't mean they're gonna finish the race....


Monday, July 6, 2020


The dangerous and unlawful extremist, ethno-racist and Amhara fundamentalist residing in the United States have started an all out campaign against the Oromos inside and outside of Ethiopia.  The primary purpose and intent of these criminal elements is the extermination of the Oromo people through genocide.  These few, but highly organized, individuals are backed by powerful institutions like media outfits, churches, civic organizations and so called Ethiopian community centers through out the United States. 

The main culprits of these unlawful and dangerous act are backed and are working, in conjunction, with the current dictatorial regime in Ethiopia to exterminate innocent Oromos.   These illegal, evil, and inhumane campaign is manifesting itself by the ongoing effort to defame, attack employment and profession, social relationships and interactions, and waging an all out war on Oromo scholars, activists, community leaders and Organizers. 

The few, with support and backing of many institutions, ethno-racist groups have heightened their baseless accusations and attacks on the Oromo activists and leaders by falsely, without scintilla of evidence, accusing them of instigating communal conflict, when factually and evidently the call for communal violence, genocide and killings against Oromos are their own doing, its the works of the below named extremists and their backers and supporters. 

We, therefore, hereby put the U.S. officials, security forces, and local governments on notice that the below named individuals have been and continued to be a threat, source of intimidation, and vicious attacks on U.S. citizen Oromo-American community leaders and activists. 

We have gathered and are in possession of vast evidence against, below named individuals and their backer, calls for the Oromo-American leaders and activists to be terminated from their place of employment, ostracized by the community at a large, and labeled as trouble makers and subjected them to other serious  unsubstantiated accusations.

To illustrate, they have targeted the lone and only media that has been engaged on informing, empowering and educating the Oromo people both in and outside of the country-the Oromia Media Network (“OMN”).  OMN is widely respected for presenting a fair, balanced, inclusive and accurate news and programs. 

Furthermore, they have ferociously targeted the following highly respected scholars, professionals, and Oromo-American human rights advocates, leaders and activists: 1) Professor Ezekiel Gebissa; 2) Dr. Tsegaye Ararssa; 3) Dr. Birhanemeskel Abebe Segni; 4) Professor Awol Kassim Allo and many others who stand for truth, justice, equality and freedom. 

The only thing the targeted leaders and activists, few named above, have done is advocating for human rights, justice, equality, and freedom for the oppressed Oromo people and all other oppressed nation and nationalities in Ethiopia. 

The individuals and entities associative with the following individuals are directly responsible for dissemination false, dangerous, and unfair information against our activists and leaders in order to silence the voices of the voiceless. 

The hate extremist group is mainly led, promoted and facilitated by the following individuals:  1) Tamagne Beyene (lives in Washington D.C. are and employment unknown); 2) Abebe Gellaw (believed to live in Washington D.C. area and works for a large and known law firm); 3)  Tedla G Woldeyohannes ( Visiting Professor, Chamberlain University, St. Louis last information we have); 4) Messay Mekonnen (lives in Washington D.C. area, and self proclaimed journalist at Esat TV); and 5) Ermias Leggesse Wakjira( believed to live in Washington DC area, and self proclaimed journalist and propagandist). 

Therefore, upon putting the U.S. and local officials on notice, we also demand the above named individuals and their financial backers and supporters investigated and brought to justice. They have violated numerous Federal and State laws, including but not limited to, majority of provisions of hate crime laws. Unless these individuals and their supporters brought to justice,  Oromos in the U.S. will not be free or  feel safe to enjoy their basic Civil and constitutional rights here in the U.S. 

To reiterate, we are ready, able, and have gathered substantial evidence and exhibits against the individuals campaign on social media, church groups, media, and all other communication methods.  

Again, we hereby call upon on social media platforms to ban these hate filled dangerous individuals before they cause serious and irreparable harm to citizens, particularly Oromo-American leaders and activists. 

Additionally, this petition and alert shall be presented and distributed to FBI, CIA, elected officials, local and city law enforcement, Civil Rights Organizations, the IRS, and all other relevant governmental and non-governmental agencies to prevent further unwarranted, unjustified, and dangerous ethnic-racial attack on law abiding scholars and advocates of Oromo-Americans. 


You have the power to amplify the voices of over 40 million people

1 week ago in Ethiopia, Haacaalu Hundeessaaa, an iconic Oromo singer, songwriter and activist was assassinated, two U.S. citizens were unlawfully detained, the government has cut off the internet nationwide and BBC News reports over 166 citizens have been murdered. 

Haacaalu was not an ordinary musician. He came from a lineage of poets and scholars and inspired people not only through his music, but through his life. Haacaaluu was imprisoned at the age of 17, and it was in his 5 years in prison that he learned to compose lyrics and melodies. He was deeply knowledgeable on Oromo culture and history and was committed to connecting us all to the Oromo’s aspirations through his gift. 

The Oromo are the majority of Ethiopia's population but have long been unrepresented in many parts of Ethiopia's history. For Haacaaluu to be assassinated means the Oromo have lost not just a beloved storyteller but the voice of a generation. 

You can amplify the voices of over 40 million people and ensure that Haacaaluu’s hopes to see his people truly free are fully realised by sharing this video using #OromoProtests until our demands are heard and met. 

I stand with #OromoProtests, do you? 

Information reported by Aljazeera, BBC, CNN, NY Times, Washington Post, Humans Rights Watch, MPR.

Saturday, July 4, 2020


Thousands of people died for PM Abiy to change Ethiopia, not to make him a king.... Fortunately, for winning a title of a Nobel Peace Prize winner, he has joined the likes of Aung San Suu Kyi who happily murdered her own people. #OromoProtests #AbiyMustGo #Oromolivesmatter


Today, the Amharic speaking Neo Neftagna group fast overtaking state power in Addis Ababa arrested Mr. Lidetu Ayalew and Mr Yilkal Getinet, both ethnic Amharas. 

This is intended to divert and cover-up the ongoing  massive extrajudicial killings and massive mass arrest exclusively targeting the Oromo people and Oromo political leaders since the assassination of Artist Hachalu Hundessa,  an Oromo.

The international community and the broader Ethiopian public must immediately and unconditionally condemn the genocidal instinct and intent of this ethno racist regime  against the Oromo people in this fast evolving political crises unfolding in Ethiopia.


What really Happened during #Jawar & #Bekele s arrest

by Henok G. Gabisa


1. Jawar&Bekele left home to accompany #HaacaaluHundeessaa’s body to Ambo. 
2. They joined the convoy & continued accompanying the crowd. In OMN video you can hear “Jawarfaa dhufaniiruu”- Jawar and them are here 

3. While the conviy is en route to Ambo, Shimelis (Oromia President) &Takele  (Addis Mayor) made phone calls to the Convoy announcing that #HaacaaluHundeessaa is gonna be buried in Finfinnee.

4. They wanted all including Jawar to return to the Oromo Cultural Center in Laghar

5. #HaacaaluuHundeessaa’s body was temporarily held in the Oromo Cultural Center. At this point, I have have chance to talk to Hacaaluu’s friend who was at the center. He confirmed that Shimelis & Takele made decision to return to Addis Ababa.

6. Jawar and Bekele with their security details (8 of them) and several cars carrying Redwan and Yusuf (Jawar’s friends) arrived at the Center- honestly believing (may be surprised)  that Gov’t decided to bury #HaacaaluuHundeessaa in Finfinnee! But it was not!

7. Little did Jawar and Bekele knew the Gov’t was setting them up. How? 

8. Jawar et al were told to enter the Center from behind (not public entrance gate) with a VIP access and attend the service. They did. They thought service is going to be done at the Center.

9. As soon as they entered the gate, they were told to get out of the car. Jawar’s security details were told to disarm themselves.

10. Jawar, as the principal of security details, told them to comply with the govt police order. They all disarmed themselves without any hesitation

11. At this point, Oromia Police was ordered to make an arrest of Jawar and everyone in his convoy- all of them about 35 in total. That includes, Redwan, Yusuf, Sami and Bontu (Bekele’s children), 8 security details and other friends from Jawar family and Bekele family.

12. Oromia police didn’t want to arrest Jawar b/c they didn’t see any crime that Jawar, Bekele & his friends were committing except that they came for funeral serivice of their friend-a prominent Oromo singer who was gunned down a week after he spoke on a media Jawar founded (OMN

13. When Oromia Police resisted the order to arrest Jawar, Abiy personally ordered Federal Commandos to rush to the Center (Lagahaar) to execute the arrest. 

14. Engagement b/n Oromia police and Abiy’s Federal Commandos picked ang got heated.

15. Jawar and Bekele didn’t like the situation. They realized what was happening and they realized Gov’t’s call to everyone to gather at the Center was a set up. 

16. Both tried to cool everyone down and told them that they are ready to be arrested peacefully.

17. At this point, I was in a three way phone call (DC-Texas-Finfinnee) taking note of the situation. I tweeted “Jawar is surrounded. Not legally arrested.”  This is a moment they were cooling down the escalating situation b/n Oromia police and Abiy’s Federal Commando.

18. Jawar and Bekele and their family members all got picked by Federal force and detained in different locations. 

19. Some more friend’s cars who were far behind Jawar’s car didn’t get to the  Center’s gate. So, they weren’t arrested. Some of them shared with us what they saw

Henok G. Gabisa
July 2020
Washington DC

Thursday, July 2, 2020

#Ethiopian # AbiyMustGo

Abiy's government must release Jawar Mohammed, Bekele Gerba, and others currently in detention. Over the last two years, his government made several strategic blunders, mismanaged the transition and wasted the massive opportunity he had for reconciliation and healing. 

This latest move to detain and drag leaders of the opposition before courts at a time when the community is mourning the loss of one of its most cherished sons is beyond disrespectful.  The government can avoid yet another strategic disaster that will risk complete chaos and an unnecessary loss of lives. 

Abiy must release them all and work with elders to bring the temperature down. It is the government's duty to de-escalate the situation and calm people.

Wednesday, July 1, 2020


The international community, particularly the United Nations,  the European Union, the Governments  of United States, the United Kingdom, and the international financial institutions financing Ethiopia  must not be oblivious to the clear and present genocidal instinct, danger and intent at full display against the Oromo people over the last two years.  The persistent and heightened racist political rhetoric immediately before and after the assassination of Artist Hachalu Hundessa should be duly noted. 

Both the assassination  of Artist Hachalu Hundessa, the arrest of  high profile Oromo political leaders, including but not limited to, Jawar Mohammad, Bekele Gerba and thousands of others,  the murder of family members of Artist Hachalu Hundessa,  the ongoing mass extrajudicial killings, mass detentions throughout Oromia Region of Ethiopia must stop and condemned right away.

Clearly, turning off the internet and shutting down the only or lone voice of the oppressed Oromo people, Oromia Media Network, in addition to purposefully denying of the burial ceremony worthy of the Iconic Artist in Addis Ababa are further inflaming an already volatile situation.  

The  Oromo people’s plea, demand, wish, and desire to bury their national Icon in Addis Ababa,  his place of residence and the Capital City of the Oromia Region, continue to be denied.  

These events are all preplanned to trigger and execute the genocidal political intent and instinct that became the modus operandi of the Ethiopian politics.  In the past and particularly over the last two years, the institutional racism and hatred against the Oromo people were encouraged and defended.

- Dr. Birhanemeskel Abebe Segni


#Oromia_Protests (Dr Tsegaye Ararssa)
My Facebook account and public page has been closed. 

This makes it clear that the assassination of Haacaaluu; the arrest of Jawar, Bekele, and numerous others; the closure of OMN; the interruption of the internet and communication networks; and the reporting-towards-closure the facebook account and public pages of a few of us is a conclusive evidence of the fact that #Abiy_Ahmed's regime is the sole  perpetrator of the assassination and the only orchestrator of the arrests and the associated atrocities.

I am glad that they did this; for this in itself is a definitive indictment on the regime and on his neo-nafxanyaa social media mob that have long been calling for the assassination of Haacaaluu and other Oromo leaders for the last few years. (After all, these are the mobs that have been doing a (social) media crucifiction on Oromo leaders since September 2018.)

I am also glad they did this because it is an unwitting confirmation that I am doing something right.

I will therefore continue to communicate with the public through this platform so that other friends can take and share, via facebook et al, the information I get from home. 

Today, the resistance continues even as the assassinations, the mass arrests, and the repression intensifies. It continues in various forms until:

1. Haacaaluu gets a dignified (state) funeral and his assassins are properly apprehended and brought to justice;

2. All political prisoners, including Jawar and Bekele, are released;

3. All the current tide of violence by Abiy's security apparatus stops;

We anticipate huge protest rallies today and in the days to follow.

I will share more updates and important details on this platform in the hours and days ahead.

#The_Star_has_fallen_but_the_light_lives_on! #Haacaaluu_lives!
#Ethiopia_Protests#Oromia_Protests (Dr Tsegaye Ararssa)
My Facebook account and public page has been closed. 

This makes it clear that the assassination of Haacaaluu; the arrest of Jawar, Bekele, and numerous others; the closure of OMN; the interruption of the internet and communication networks; and the reporting-towards-closure the facebook account and public pages of a few of us is a conclusive evidence of the fact that #Abiy_Ahmed's regime is the sole  perpetrator of the assassination and the only orchestrator of the arrests and the associated atrocities.

I am glad that they did this; for this in itself is a definitive indictment on the regime and on his neo-nafxanyaa social media mob that have long been calling for the assassination of Haacaaluu and other Oromo leaders for the last few years. (After all, these are the mobs that have been doing a (social) media crucifiction on Oromo leaders since September 2018.)

I am also glad they did this because it is an unwitting confirmation that I am doing something right.

I will therefore continue to communicate with the public through this platform so that other friends can take and share, via facebook et al, the information I get from home. 

Today, the resistance continues even as the assassinations, the mass arrests, and the repression intensifies. It continues in various forms until:

1. Haacaaluu gets a dignified (state) funeral and his assassins are properly apprehended and brought to justice;

2. All political prisoners, including Jawar and Bekele, are released;

3. All the current tide of violence by Abiy's security apparatus stops;

We anticipate huge protest rallies today and in the days to follow.

I will share more updates and important details on this platform in the hours and days ahead.

#The_Star_has_fallen_but_the_light_lives_on! #Haacaaluu_lives!