Thursday, September 1, 2016


Actually it is very difficult to call that school children killing staff as National Defense Force. Several human right organizations and activists totally have argued that the EPRDF regime in Ethiopia has been promoting the domination of a minority ethnic elite, i.e., the TPLF, in all spheres of the nation’s life — economy, military, intelligence and security services, foreign affairs, etc. Much has been said and many have commented upon the blatant nature of the drive to ensure the domination of Tigrean elites who claim to represent only 6% of close to 100 million Ethiopians.
The same way, it is obvious that the generals and commanders of the army are TPLE members; however, they are not majority in the total army population.
HOW and WHY the majority of ordinary solders could not stand by their Nation?
There are two assumptions:
1. The Generals and Commanders of TPLF over controlled & dehumanized the army. TPLF has been using divided and rule strategy in every sector. The TPLF intelligence and security has been inciting inter clan clashes b/n neighboring groups, writing derogatory words in classes and toilets in universities to create tensions and haters among students from different ethnic groups, especially Amhara & Oromo. They have been also instigating religious conflicts to destroy the culture of faith tolerance among communities.
The same divisive strategy has been in place in defense force. Fore-instance, they have been using Amhara solders to suppress the demonstrations against TPLF in Oromia and Oromo solders in Amhara region. After 2005 election, they brought solders from Ganbella & Benishagul, to Addis Ababa, who do not understand both Oromo and Amharic languages.
Most of the time, TPLF indoctrinate the danger of Narrowness and Arrogance to the military. When the doctrine is about narrowness, they incite ethnic Amhara solders to comment the magnitude of the danger associate to it, and during arrogance doctrine the same happens to Oromo solders. The very reason is; to create haters, intolerance, lack of trust and sense of enemy, between solders from different ethnic groups. They also assign solders soldiers from different ethnicity in one regiment or battalion, to easy the spying process. Therefore, there is no trust, brotherhoods, open communication and discussions among army staying together for long time.
Most of the army members are not happy, about what is going on in the country currently. However, they can't take any action, including expressing their feelings, because they fear each other than TPLF generals and commanders. Therefore, the divide and rule strategy works out in military than in civilians for TPLF.
2. The second assumption is lack of discipline: The army lacks discipline in terms of distinguishing the state and government. Most of the Ethiopian army members, assume they are recruited by EPRDF, especially by TPLF, and there to protect the ruling party. Therefore, their are in role ambiguity. This is because of two reasons.
- The leaders/ generals are members of TPLF, since their were rebels and still in that mentality.
- The army is deliberately misinformed by TPLF
Therefore, they are more liable to TPLF than state and people

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