Thursday, September 1, 2016


I have been regularly insulted and dehumanized by the TPLF's officials and their supporters, even though I advocate for justice, freedom, the respect for human rights, equality and encouraged all our people to love each other and work together for the betterment of all Ethiopian people regardless of their ethnicity.
Please listen to one of the many insulted I have received on my phone and the other against our two brothers.
During the Holocaust, Nazis referred to Jews as rats. Hutus involved in the Rwanda genocide called Tutsis cockroaches. Slave owners throughout history considered slaves subhuman animals.
In Less Than Human, David Livingstone Smith argues that it's important to define and describe dehumanization, because it's what opens the door for cruelty and genocide.
"When people dehumanize others, they actually conceive of them as subhuman creatures," says Smith. Only then can the process "liberate aggression and exclude the target of aggression from the moral community."
There is no excuse to dehumanize other human beings. We are one race, the human race.
I have never tolerated and will never tolerate insulted, dehumanization, injustice and cruelty against the Oromo, Amhara, Tigreans, Anuak, Somali and any ethnic groups. PERIOD
You should never insulted and dehumanize any groups. No one should deserve to be called animal, or retarded because of what few individuals from their ethnic groups has done.
Let us grieve for our losses throughout Ethiopia and never to turn on each other instead let's turn toward one another, joining hands to work together to bring unity, justice, freedom and renewal to all Ethiopian people.
Let's love and respect everyone.Despite the vastness of ethnic hatred policy of the TPLF around us, this is our one and only country we have and we are all one people, the beautiful people of Ethiopia!
May God help these people to see the beauty of humanity in others.

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