Thursday, September 1, 2016


By: Najat Hamza
The Walking Dead
I am a walking dead, when getting a political theory or agenda, 
is more important than our goal for self-determination.
I am a walking dead, when we allow differences of opinion and minor disagreements among ourselves hinder our progress towards freedom.
I am a walking dead, when the struggle entrusted to me from the heroes of yesterday, is nothing more than an ego game.
I am a walking dead, when advancing my individual goals outweighs the collective progress of my people.
I am a walking dead, when I do not realize no freedom was ever rewarded,
Because of good manners.
I am a walking dead, when passive reaction is my mode of struggle
Not consistent active resistance or preemptive strikes.
We are a walking dead if we do not realize being passive under oppression,
Is the same as being part of the oppressive systems.
My people, from East, West, North and South, no matter what views you hold, or which political ideologies you prescribe to, or which faith you practice, we are one!
Because, we live together, we suffer together, we cry together, and we die together.
The enemy does not care what kind of Oromo you are,
They only care that you are one.
It is true, we are diverse people, our colorful diversity is a source of strength
Not of our weakness.
I want us to unite on an idea that Oromia does not have other guardians but us.
We have to safe guard our people, our land and secure our tomorrow
By inconveniencing ourselves today!
Let’s get to work for Oromia, for ourselves against our enemy but not towards each other.
Let’s Wake Up from The Dead Ilmaan Harmee Oromia!!!
Let’s ring in Freedom knocking our door at the 11th hour!!!

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