Thursday, September 22, 2016


When the blood of the innocence you bath in forces you to speak the truth! Unknowingly you will tell the world who you are killing are not disappearing you need help in muffling their voices once more!!!
Here is the Truth #TPLF, we will speak, we will remember, we will document, we will continue to fight you, we will win & and finally You will all pay!!!
FYI: eliminating people for who they are and what they believe in is an ultimate hate crime filled with bigotry!
In the meantime, we will continue to amplify our voices in unison to all corners of the world!!! Ethiopia is inside the world, the world is not inside Ethiopia sorry your bloody hands can reach out side of that and muffle us all, even though you would like that very much!!!
You are not the victim!!!
Victims are currently lined up 6 feet under ground & there voices are no more! They rest are in dark rooms all over Ethiopia wishing to join death because you are taking the light out of their eyes.

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