Monday, June 8, 2020


‪Adding a face to one of the names in Amnesty International’s latest report [CONTINUED]
‪Yet again, we hereby add a face to one among the names of the victims of EDF’s cold blood killings (Mr Aga Uddessa), whose ‘story’ has been captured in Amnesty International’s latest report entitled “‬Beyond law enforcement: Human rights violations by Ethiopian security forces in Amhara and Oromia”.
Mr Aga was a resident of East Guji zone, Goro Dola district, Haraqalo town. As has also been indicated in Amnesty International’s report, Mr Aga was not a member of any political group. He was a private citizen earning his daily living by renting out a motorbike in the town.
As has been documented in the said report by Amnesty International, he was shot by EDF’s soldiers while riding his motorbike. After killing Mr Aga Uddessa, EDF’s soldiers then torched to burn down his motorbike (pic attached).
Pictures: Courtesy of
Miessa Denbi Dade

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