Wednesday, August 19, 2020


በኦሮሚያ ክልል መንግስት በሠላማዊ ዜጎች ላይ የወሰደውን ጭፍጨፋ በጽኑ እናወግዛለን። በ12/12/12 በአንዳንድ በኦሮሚያ አከባቢዎች በሠላማዊ መንገድ በመንግስት ላይ ተቃውሞ በሚያሰሙ ዜጎች ላይ የተወሰደው ግድያ የመንግስትን አሸባር ተግባር የሚያሳይና በምንም መለኪያ ተቀባይነት የለለው ከመሆኑም በላይ በሰው ልጆች ላይ የተፈጸም ከባድ ወንጀልና በህግም የሚያስጠይቅ ተግባር ነው።

በሀይል ለጊዜውም ቢሆን ተቃውሞውን ልታቆመው ትችል ይሆናል እንጅ ሰላምን ማስፈን አትችልም። አሁንም ደጋግመን እንጠይቃለን። መንግስት በሰከነ አካሄድ በመነጋገርና በሀሳብ በላይነት የሚያምን ከሆነ በፖለቲካዊ ደባ የታሰሩ የፖለቲካ እስረኞችን በመፍታት ገምቢ ውይይት በማድረግ ሀገሪቷን ከቀውስ እንድታደጋት ጥሪያችንን እናቀርባለን።

We condemn in  the strongest possible terms the ongoing gruesome violence against civilians in Oromia. Dozens of civilians were reportedly massacred by government security forces on 12/12/12 (18 August 2020) in Oromia.  No amount of violence can stop a nation demanding its natural and constitutional right to self rule on its own land. The government is committing crimes against humanity in Oromia and it will be held accountable.


As horrific reports of killings of several dozen #OromoProtests continue to emerge, I can’t help it except wondering if Ato Abiy Ahmed is simply implementing one of the infamous quotes of Joseph Stalin: “Death is the solution to all problems. No man, no problem.”

If Abiy is thinking that mass killings and mass incarceration can make the protests go away, he is an absolutely ignorant type of dictator because the protests demands remain open. 





Tuesday, August 18, 2020


Waamicha Qeerroo #Harargee irraa ilmaan Oromoo hundaaf. 
Nuti Qeerroon Harargee qaroowwan keenya kan sirrni naafxanyaa hidhee mana hidhaa keessatti yaalallee akka hin arganne gochaa jiruuf birmachuun hardha guyyaa lammataatif mormii itti fufuun wareegama qaqqaalii itti kaffalaa jirra. Waraanni mootummaa abbaa irree sirna nafxanyaa rasaasan nurratti roobsudhaan lubbuu hedduu nurraa wareegee jira.
Guyyoota itti aananis baadiyyaa fi magaalaa hunda keessatti mormiin cimaan itti fufa. Wareegamni bilisummaaf goonus itti fufa.
Yeroo nuti Oromoo fi Oromiyaaf wareega kaffalaa jirrutti Oromoo kutaa biroo keessattuu Giddu galeessi Shawaan caldhisuun sirrii miti. Jawaar,Baqqalaan fa'a kan hidhamanii mana hidhaa keessatti dhumaa jiraniif Oromoo fi Oromiyaa hundaafi. Diina teenyee walirratti laalun akka kophaa kophatti nu cabsu godha. Waraanni naafxanyaa Harargee fi Arsii irratti duguuggaa sanyii raawwachaa jira. Abbaa warraa fi haadha warraa walirratti ajjeesaa jira. Yaa Oromoo kutaa biroo jirtan lubbuuf sodaattan moo maalif teenyee hanga tokko tokkoon nu fixanitti eegna?
#Walloo keessa jirtan kan mormii Qeerron labse laaffistan guyyaa boruu irraa qabsoo cimaa gochuun ilmaan Oromoo Harargee fi Arsii irraa dhumaa jiraniif akka birmattan waamicha isiniif goona. Hardha akkuma gaafa Minilik yoo teenyee Oromoon kutaa tokkoo dhumu kutaan biroo yoo ilaale tokko tokkoon cabuuf deemna.
Qeerroon Harargee hanga dhumaatti wareegama barbaachisaa bilisummaaf kaffaluun qabsoo eegalle jabeessinee itti fufna.
Qeerron Oromoo
Burraayyuu Lagaxaafoo fi kan naannawa Finfinnee jirtan hundi daandii Finfinnee geessu hunda cufaa qabsoo itti finiinsaa.



#OromoProtests leaders in Oromia announced that Addis Ababa will be cut off from the rest of the World as of tomorrow. The entire highways in Oromia will be closed. All highways connecting Addis Ababa with all regions of Ethiopia, and all highways passing through Oromia and  connecting Addis Ababa with Djibouti, Somalia, Kenya, South Sudan, Sudan, and Eritrea will be closed. There wil be no supplies reaching the central  market in Addis Ababa, Merkato,  from all parts of Ethiopia.  Oromo protests leaders did not express  intention as of now to disrupt the  water and electric system to the racist regime's headquarters.

Monday, August 17, 2020


Dehumanisation and demonisation are the ideological backbones of the Imperial Ethiopian state and it is coming back with a vengeance, as we speak, aided and abetted by the state. 

I have never witnessed a moment in my adult life when people of significant influence over government policy, including close advisors to the PM, openly and casually hurl dehumanizing epithets at the Oromo and others. Supremacist bigots who use the universal category that is “Ethiopia” as a mask to impose their particular language, culture and ways of life on an extremely diverse society, seizing this political moment to ensure a return to that inglorious past. The demonization and humiliation of the Oromo and other groups have reached its climax during the recent bout of violence in Oromia. 

Supremacist forces used the recent violence (horizontally orchestrated to score political points), to spew hate and contempt for the Oromo, describing an entire group as barbaric and inhuman, prone to violence, and a threat to their civilisation. Hate was gushing out on social media like sewage  While the significant majority of those who died are Oromo (68%), the supremacist and privileged elites that dominate the cosmopolitan centres of the Empire, manufactured a false narrative of ethnic cleansing – a useful peg on which to hang the imperial desire to vilify and denigrate those who reject their imperial fantasies. For them, the only lives that are grieve-able, those that are worth mourning and remembering, both in public and private, are those who belong to their groups. 

After a half-century of bitter struggle and unremitting toil, the Oromo and the subjugated nations and nationalities of the South are, once again, facing collective humiliation of this kind at the altar of Abiy Ahmed’s narratives and policies. The Oromo, the single largest ethnic group making up well over a third of Ethiopia’s 110 million people, have to contend with this reality, once again. For the Ethiopian state, the Oromo is not just the uncivilised and the savage, it is the barbaric, because it is incapable of accepting the terms of its inclusion, and is therefore always a threat, that must be controlled, policed, and dominated. 

We find ourselves at a moment when a Prime Minister ushered to power by a primarily Oromo struggle is now offering prominent Oromos as a sacrifice to the demands of the supremacists. Jawar Mohammed and Bekele are not in jail because they committed a crime. They are in jail because the supremacists demanded it and made it a condition of their support for the PM. We live at a time when Jawar Mohammed, and Bekele Gerba– individuals who played a decisive role in bringing Abiy to power – are languishing in jail, while the likes of Al Mariam, a hate-spewing Professor of Law and Political Science, serve as Abiy’s close advisors and confidante. Remnants of the Derg and folks with imperial ideological inclination dominate Ethiopia’s airwaves today, given platforms on state media to dehumanize Oromos and others, to deprive them of something that sustained them in the face of more than a century state-sponsored terrorism and institutionalized enforcement of assimilation – dignity. 

In order for Abiy’s or Al Mariam’s Ethiopia to come back, in order for the pursuit of one language and one culture to get a discursive footing, Oromos, the single largest group and the most vocal proponents of multinational federalism, must be dehumanized. Most cosmopolitan elites who view themselves (wrongly) as liberal humanists committed to a democratic country under the rule of law, where ethnic identity is not a determining factor, were members of a culture that normalised the humiliation and demonisation of the Oromo and others. Hard to engage them to undo that when these debates are entangled with broader questions of power, agency, privilege, and core beliefs etc. 

The whole point of the Oromo protests was to rehumanize the Oromo. It was a successful movement until it was hijacked. Would Oromo Protests 2.0 learn a lesson?


la lutte continuera !!!

struggle will continue

kampen vil fortsette

Der Kampf wird weitergehen

Qabsoon Oromoo itti fufa

ትግሉ ይቀጥላል!!!

#Oromoprotests #AbiyMustGo#Ethiopia


OMN: Xiinxalaa Siyaasaa Jawar Mohammad  mana hidhaa  keessatti hedduu dhukkubsachaa jiraachuu maatiin isaa OMNtti himan.

Maatiin Jawaar mahaammad, Jawar  dubbusuu yeroo dhaqnetti, nu waliin dubbachuu hin dandeenye jedhan. 

Fuulli isaa dhidhiita'ee jira;  dhaabbatee nu haasofsiisuuf yaalus sababa ijaajjuu (dhaabbachuu) dadhabeef ofirra gad taa'ee jedhan maatiin Jawar.

Nutis  haala fayyaa jawartti  rifannee kan jedhan maatiin Jawar dhimma kana   qaamilee   mana hidhaa  eegan irraa adda baafachuufillee hin dandeenye jechuun   himan.

Jawaar heddu dadhabee jiraa, maaliif akka yeroo gabaabaa keessatti akka akkanatti dhukkubsate irratti shakkii qabnas jedhan maatiin Jawar.

Yaa Ummaata Oromoo,  Jawar yeroo akkanatti dararamu maaliif calliftan jechunis gaafatan.


The Attack On Oromo Nation By The Ethiopian Government Is An Attack On All Historically Subjugated Nations In Ethiopia!

August 16, 2020, By Mr. Denboba Natie, Edinburgh, Scotland 

Following meticulously executed political assassination of the Oromo’s beloved and treasured singer ‘Hacaaluu Hundessa’ on June 29, 2020; the Ethiopian government is embarked on three major anti-Oromo projects simultaneously. The first is trapping and arresting all Oromo’s pro-Oromo political figures who remain jailed to date. The second is waging full scale war on the nation under the excuse of state of emergency by burning the Oromo’s villages and summarily executing hundreds of unarmed civilians under the pretext of OLF membership. Doing so is intensifying across the Oromia’s state since June 29, 2020, where over 450 deaths and over 21,000 unlawful incarcerations were reported. The third is a well-planned anti-Oromo Media campaign using government owned machineries in addition to mushrooming unionist owned Medias- both widely operating within Ethiopia and from the diaspora; all are bad mouthing innocent Oromo nation ascribing the assassination to the victims. 

To assert the current political dynamics in Ethiopia, we only need little analytic capability and we do so also to learn who is behind the assassination of Hacaaluu on June 29, 2020 and why? Hacaaluu was a formidable singer whose musical lyrics combined with his heroic and genius approach has mobilised the Oromo nation to enable it fight its enemies in unison to see the former region off power. The Oromo’s heroic struggle has not been without a price. Over 5,800 Oromo civilians were executed by the government security apparatuses and national army between the end of 2014 and beginning of 2018. Sadly, the revolution has been hijacked and replaced by self-appointed dictator, Colonel Abiy Ahmed’s unionist regime. 

The irony is that, during the time when the sons of Oromo were paying heavy prices with the precious lives, the incumbent ruler and his entourages were part of the regime the Oromo and the other oppressed nations were fighting against. Besides, he has come up as progressive by promising the crime that was committed by his old regime won’t be repeated. He has also promised that he only serves as a transitional vehicle until the following election that was primarily scheduled for September 2020 as per the constitution. He has changed his mind and postponed the election indefinitely; to remain on power illegally after September 2020. 

By ditching his promises in the bin, he rather became busy behaving like and acting on riffraff activities that never show he is up for the job, but deserving only ceremonial positions as per his delusional ambition of becoming the 7th king of the Ethiopian empire. He is therefore working day and night to realise his utopian dreams instead of realistically working to address century’s old yearning of over 80 nations in Ethiopia- for justice and equality. None of the Ethiopian nations and peoples asked for the restoration of Abiy’s delusional Empire. He however is such a short sighted individual blinded with his narcissism and super ego thus unaware of the historical injustice the successive Ethiopian rulers whom he glorify day and night have caused to their subjects since 1880s.    

Therefore, to achieve his heinous objectives; he with his unionist entourages planned something huge and hideous with major impacts to have an excuse on dehumanising the Oromo nation first and then move to the smaller historically subjugated nations and peoples in Ethiopia. I believe without shadow of doubt that, colonel Abiy Ahmed and his unionist cliques hiding in the palace have found the unfortunate Hacaluu Hudeessa as their best fit to cause public outcry thereby have an excuse to imprison and disable Oromo political leadership. On October 23, 2019, they have also attempted to assassinate Jawar Mohamed with the same objective although the attempt has failed due to heroic action of his Oromo body guards - currently arrested. 

As the Oromo and the Oromo’s friends mourn the loss of such great Oromo talent, there were jubilations among the unionist (EZEMA+Abiy) group who have chanted in Finfinnee (Addis Ababa) ‘Hacaaluu has gone! Jawar is remaining!’ 

With the above plan in mind, Abiy’s regime with its unionist entourages has dispatched groups of assassins and looters to various Oromia regional towns prior to Hacaaluu’s assassination by ordering them to remain concealed and standby. These were dispatched to wreak-havoc once the assassination has been executed and put the blame on the Oromo nation; particularity on Oromo’s prominent figures including the OLF leadership and the other political figures such as Obbo Bekele Garba, Jawar Mohammed and hundreds of others-all are arrested following Hacaaluu’s assassination as per their heinous plan. And colonel Abiy is scared of Oromo’s pro-Oromo politicians thus wanted them all imprisoned.  

Just less than 30 minutes following the assassination of the singer, there were widespread burning of properties, killing of innocent non-Oromo living in Oromia including the Oromo’s Orthodox religion followers, and lootings in Shashamane (250 km from capital), Bishooftu (40km from the capital), Zeway and various towns between Finfinnee and Shashamane. This has been the case in various Oromia towns. Additionally, immediately following the assassination there were Media campaigns putting all the blames on OLF, other Oromo political leadership and TPLF’s officials as masterminds.   

The coincidence is very difficult to believe. Unless there is meticulously planned prior arrangement is in place, such coordinated looting, killing and burning of properties by well organised groups using various vehicles won’t be possible within 30 minutes following the assassination. I argue that, even it will be impossible to know what has happened in Finfinnee (Addis Ababa) let alone organising and looting using dozens of Lorries. If one asks who is capable of planning of these; it is only Abiy’s security, his Neftegna advisers and EZEMA group who are working in collaboration to disable the Oromo nation thereby continually silence the rest of nations and peoples in Ethiopia whilst looting their resources in an exact colonial manner. There is no ‘if’ or ‘but’; It is them!! We need urgent and independent investigative Journalism to validate my argument. 

Furthermore, these groups have also mobilised Media campaigns that demonise and vilify the Oromo nation at global level. Additionally, anti-Oromo unionist groups also use the pictures of formerly deceased individuals from Amhara ethnic group primarily lived in Oromia as a person who has been beheaded by the Oromo youth as part of their heinous anti-Oromo campaign. There are such ongoing fictitious dramas involving various reckless personalities possibly coordinated from the Neftegna Palace and EZEMA leadership. 

However, the actual victims are the Oromo nation whose civilians are increasingly dehumanised day and night involving raping both young women and boys to castrate boy’s manhood as colonial vultures have done to their global level victims from Australia, Canada, Latin America and Africa. This is not a simple abuse; it is an exercise with the colonial intent. 

Therefore, the war that is raging the Oromo nation is the war declared by anti-federalist Neftegna power hiding in the Palace wishing our slavery. Therefore, it is the war declared on all nations and peoples in Ethiopia begging our unconditional, immediate and all-inclusive fight of our common enemies in unison. The Oromo nation also must avoid divisive old-style politics- instead putting all differences aside to be able to come together to coordinate the struggle of all peoples in Ethiopia for genuine self-determination with long-term objective on creating viable independent confederated nations –if Neftegna remains hell bent on resurrecting its delusional dreams of returning to enslave the mass. 
The OLF’s divided elites and other Abiy’s regime supporting Oromo politicians must know that, they are joking at the sacrifices of tens of thousands of Oromo people. They must unconditionally stop their cooperation and alliance with Abiy’s regime and Neftegna group instead returning to the original values of the Oromo nation whose motto is liberating the Oromo from over century old slavery and subjugation. 

Finally, I also call upon my beloved Sidama nation, whose fruit of struggle has been recently hijacked by and given to Abiy’s Sidama cadres- to stand by its cousins, the Oromo nation at this difficult time and show genuine solidarity by rejecting Colonel Abiy’s barbaric regime and joining the struggle. Hundreds of Sidama sons and daughters weren’t sacrificed their precious lives to return to subservience. The nation instead has gallantly fought and won to assert its national dignity and pride. The current Abiy’s regime and its’ corrupt Sidama cadres are unfit for the Sidama national purpose begging our unified rejection.

Furthermore, the international community needs to reconsider its position in the aspect of sponsoring state terrorism in Oromia under the pretext of aid. Colonel Abiy’s authoritarian regime must be stopped before committing full scale genocide in Oromia that will have wider regional ramification. His regime must be lobbied to release all Oromo political prisoners and stop state terrorism in Oromia instead calling for an urgent all-inclusive transitional arrangement in Ethiopia.  

Mr. Denboba Natie (Edinburgh, Scotland)

Sunday, August 16, 2020

ከቄሮ የተላለፈ ሦስተኛ ዙር የትግል ጥሪ


Waamicha Qabsoo Marsaa 3ffaa Qeerroo irraa Kenname
KMN:- Hagaya 16/2020 
Uummatni Oromoo sirna abbaa hirree Wayyaaneen mataa itti taatee turte waliin qabsoo hadhaawaa taasiseen of irraa erga garagalchee booda loote-seentuun sirna Nafxannyaa aangoo mootummaa qabattee jirti. Erga sini Nafxanyaa Abiy Ahmed mataa itti ta’e aangoo argattee as Oromoon gidiraa seenaa isaa keessatti argee hinbeekneen hiraarfamaa jira. Haaluma kanaan gartuun Biltsiginnaa yeroo ammaa mootummaa ofiin jedhu Oromoo xiqqeessee Oromummaa balleessuuf akeekaa godhatee jira. Hayyootaa fi qaroon Oromoo hidhaa jiru, hidhaa irraa kan hafan ajjeefamaa, ariyatamaa, akkasumas xiqqeefamaa jiru. Oromoo fi lafa Oromoo qoqqoodanii daldaluun Itiyoophiyaa dhiiga Oromoo dhuguun gabbatte kana tiksuuf yaalu. Abdii uummatni Oromoo mirga heerawaa fayyadamee filannoo dhaan sirna nafxanyaa kana of irraa kaasuuf qabu filannoo karoorfame haqee, Oromiyaa humnaan bulchuuf waraanaa hanga funyaaniitti hidhate uummatatti bobbaasee jira. Maqaa "olaantummaa seeraa" jedhu golgaa godhachuun mana uummataa gubuu, jumlaan ajjesuu, qabeenya saamuu fi shamarran gudeeduu hojii fardii tasifatee jira. Walumaagalatti, Oromiyaan sirna nafxanyaa jalatti kuftee jirti.
Kanaaf, Qeerroon waamicha qabsoo marsaa 3ffaa Kudhalamaan Sadeen (12/12/12) jedhamee moggaafame labseera. Mormiin marsaa 3ffaa kun Kibxata Hagayya 12, 2012 irraa hanga Roobii Hagayya 20, 2012 guutuu Oromiyaa keessatti hojii irra oola. Kaayyoon yeroo gabaabaa qabsoo marsaa kanaa hooggantootaa fi lammiilee Oromoo hidhaman mara hidhaa irraa hiiksisuu dha; yeroo giddu-galeessatti ammoo loltootni mootummaa magaalotaa fi gandoota baadiyyaa Oromiyaa gadhiisanii mooraa waraanaatti akka deebi’an taasisuu dha. Galmi qabsoo Oromoo inni xumura mirga hiree ofii ofiin murteeffachuu dhugoomsuu akka ta’e yaadachiisuu barbaanna. Kanaafuu, tooftaa sadarkaa qabsoon keenya irra gahe madaluu qeerroon yeroo filatetti kan labsuu waan ta’eef ummatni Oromoo arasaa barbaachiisu kafalee mirgaa isaa guutuu gonfachuuf akka of qopheessu gamanumaan beeksifina.
Haaluma kanaan waamichi qabsoo marsaa haaraa armaan gadii Qeerroo irraa kennamee jira.
1.Uggura daandiiwwanii
Hagayya 12, 2012 irraa eegalee hanga Hagayya 20, 2012 tti daandiiwwan magaalota Oromiyaa walquunnamsiisan akkasumas daandiiwwan Oromiyaa keessa qaxxamuranii

Naannolee ollaa Oromiyaa fi biyyoota alaa walqunamsiisan hundi ni cufamu. Guyyaa uggura daandiiwwanii dheeresuun ykn gabaabssuun barbaachisaa ta’ee yoo argame Qeerroon beeksisa ni kenna.
2. Mormii waliigalaa guyyaadhaan hindaangeffamne
2.1. Dhaabbilee faayinaasii madda diinagdee sirna nafxanyaa Abiy Ahmed ta’an hundatti Oromoon akka hin tajajilamne waamicha dhiyeessina. Gibiras mootommaadhaaf akka hin kaffalle.
2.2. Caasaalee lukkeen Biltsiginnaa gandoota Oromiyaa keessatti itti fayadamuun Qeerroo adamsitee nafxanyaaf dabarstee kennan tajajilaan ala ta’uu qabu.
2.3. Jarsummaan aadaa Oromoon ittiin boonuu fi dhimma isaa jarsummaan xumurachuun aadaa uummata Oromoo keessa isa tokko. Hata’u malee, maqaa jaarsummaatiin namoontni dhuunfaa Oromoof naatoo hinqabne durgoo sirna nafxanyaa irraa funaannachaa umurii sirna gabroomfataa dheeressuuf kan dhama’an waan ta’aniif Oromoon akka jalaa hin dhageenye; jireenya hawaasummaa keessas akka baasu Qeerroon ni qoqqobata.
2.4. Ijaarsa milishoota gandaa dabalatee caasaleen Biltsiginnaa ganadoota magaalaa fi baadiyyaa Oromiyaa keessa maadheffachuudhaan, bilbilaan waraana yaamuudhaan Qeerroo qabsiisuu hojii taasifatanii jiran; dabalataanis, Qeerroo irrati odeeffannoo fi ragaa sobaa kennuu fi qindeesuu irraa akka of qusatan Qeerroon gadi jabeessee akeekachiisa .
2.5. Qeerroon namoota gandoota baadiyyaa naannoo keessaniitti mana jireenyaa kaabinee fi dabballee godinaa, aanaa fi magaalaa akkasumas waajjira gandoota

baadiyyaa kan hogganan, sochii isaanii hordofaa oddeeffannoo waa’ee eenyummaa isaanii adda baafachuudhaan miidiyaa fi ummata Oromootti akka saaxiltan.
1. Lukkeeleen Biltsiginnaa qabsoo ummata keenyaa xureessuuf, goolii uumuuf, akkasumas, sabaa fi sablamootaa Oromiyaa keessa jiraatanii fi manneen amantaa irratti balaa geesisuuf waan malaniif ummanni guutuun to’annoo fi eegumsa cimaa akka gootan.
2. Sabaa fi sablammootni Oromiyaa keessa jiraatan qaama hawaasa Oromooti. Qeerroon bakka hundatti eegumsa cimaa akka godhuuf cimsinee dhaamna.
3. Namootni kamuu uggurri daandiiwwanii osoo hin eegalin dursanii waan isaan barbaachisu qindeeffachuu akka xumuratan yaadachiifna.
4. Kibxata Hagayya 12, 2012 irraa eegalee daandiiwwan ugguramuu waliin walqabatee sochiin geejjibaa waan dhaabbatuuf guyyaa kana irraa eegalee namnii kamuu Oromiyaa keessa ykn Oromiyaa irraa gara naannoo biraatti imaluuf akka hin karoorfanne dursinee yaadachiifna.
5. Labsii Qeerroon kabaja uummata Oromoo fi Oromiyaa irratti abba biyyummaa isaa mirkaneefachuuf baase kana cabsuun sochii taasifamu guffachiisuf kan carraaqu hundaaf itti gaafatamummaan kanuma abbaa akka ta’e cimsinee hubachiifna.
1. Manneen yaalaa fi faarmaasiin ykn dukkaanni qorichaa labsiin kun isaan hin ilaallatu.
2. Manneen barnootaa, buufataaleen fayyaa fi maneen amantaa sochii ugguraa fi fincila
hunda irraa walaba.

3. Sochiin Ambulaansii ugguraan daangeffamuu waan hinqabneef hamma lukkeelee diinaaf tajaajila hinkenninetti socho’uu danda’u.

Haqa qabna, ni injifanna!
 . Ilmaan Oromoo mootummaa kana keessa jirtaniif;-
 . Sirni nafxanyaa amma ijaaramaa jiru Oromoo fi Oromiyaa balleessudhaaf kan kaayyoo godhate waan taheef, ilmaan Oromoo sadarkaa gadii irraa hanga gubbaatti mootummicha tajaajilaa jirtan yeroo murteessaa Oromoon akka sabaatti of baraarudhaaf qabsoo hadhooftutti jirru kanatti gara ummataatti akka makamtan waamicha lammummaa isiniif goona.
. Ilmaan Oromoo, Raayyaa ittisa Biyyaa, Poolisii Federaalaa, Poolisii Oromiyaa, Humna Addaa Oromiyaa fi Milishaa keessa jirtan qabsoo Qeerron irratti wareegamaa jirtu cinaa akka dhaabbattan Waamicha isiniif goona.
 . Hayyoota Oromoo hundaaf;-
 . Hayyoonni Oromoo yeroon keessa jirru yeroo murteessituu fi hamtuu kan Oromoon akka Oromootti jiraachuu fi dhabamuu gidduu jiru tahuu isaa hubachuudhaan walitti dhuftanii mari'attanii hanga Oromoon abbaa biyyummaa goonfatutti of-kennummaadhaan akka hojjattan waamicha isiniif goona.
 . Ummata Oromoo hundaaf;
 . Qabsoon Qeerron itti jirtuu kan Oromoo maraa waan ta’eef hirmaanaa hundaa barbaachiisa. Kanaafuu, qeerroo cinaa dhaabbachuun, qabsoo akka finiinsitan waamicha isiniif dabarsina.
 . Sabaa fi sablammoota cunqurfamoo hundaaf;-
 . Mootummaan Abiyyii Ahmadiin hoogganamu yeroo ammaa sirna federaalizimii sabdaneessaa diigudhaan sirna nafxanyaa durii ijaarudhaaf duula gochaa jiru kana dura dhaabbachuun sabaa fi sabalammoonni cunqurfamoon hundi mirgaa sabaaf sablammotaa kabajsiisuuf adeemsifama jiruu kana keesatti akka wal tuumsiinuuf waammichaa obbolummaa isinii dabarsina.

 Injifannoo Uumata Oromoo fi sabootaaf sablammoota hundaaf!

Saturday, August 15, 2020


1. ሚሊዮኖች ስራ አተዉ ቁጭ ብለዋል -- መፍትሄዉ መዝናኛ ፓርክ ነዉ
2. አፋር በጎርፍ በጣም ተጎድቷል  - - መፍትሄዉ መዝናኛ ፓርክ ነዉ
3. የሰለጠኑት ሀገራት በኮሮና ለተጎዳዉ ህዝባቸዉ stimulus check ; ለአነስተኛ ንግዶች relief options — እኛጋ መፍትሄዉ መዝናኛ ፓርክ ነዉ
4. 37000 re displaced peoples need immediate help — መፍትሄዉ መዝናኛ ፓርክ ነዉ
5. የጤና ተቋማት የህክምና መሳሪያ ያንሳቸዋል - - መፍትሄዉ መዝናኛ ፓርክ ነዉ
6. በዚህ አመት ብቻ ንግድ ባንክ Non performing Asset (ይተበላሸ ብድር ) 38 ቢሊዮን - - መፍትሄዉ መዝናኛ ፓርክ ነዉ
7. IMF የEthiopian ኢኮኖሚ እድገት ገምቶት ከነበረዉ 6.2%. አሁን ወደ 3.2 % ቀንሶታል  - -  መፍትሄዉ መዝናኛ ፓርክ ነዉ

በብድር በመጣ ብር እና የሀገሪቷን መጠባበቂያ ግንዘብ ባሟጠጠ መልኩ የተሰራን ፓርክ ማድነቅ አርቆ አለማሰብ ነዉ:: 
 ሀገሪቷ በአላዋቂዎች እየተመራች ነዉ:: The only thing that left to do for this government is , Matchmaking and then forcing us to go on a date in the park.
Samuel Bekele


August 15, 2020 6:19PM EDT

Ethiopia: Opposition Figures Held Without Charge

Police Deny Lawyers, Relatives Access; Ignore Bail Orders

(Nairobi) –Ethiopian authorities have been detaining dozens of opposition members and journalists for prolonged periods and often without charge since late June 2020, raising serious rights concerns.

A month after one of the most violent spates of unrest in the country’s recent history, police and prosecutors need to publicly account for all detainees’ whereabouts, comply promptly and fully with court bail orders, and ensure easy and regular access to lawyers and relatives for those not released.

“The actions of Ethiopia’s investigative authorities raise concerns that they have not moved on from past practices of arresting first, and investigating later,” said Laetitia Bader, Horn of Africa director at Human Rights Watch. “The authorities should promptly bring credible charges based on clear facts and evidence against the detainees or ensure their release.”

The arrests follow the June 29 killing of a popular Oromo artist and activist, Hachalu Hundessa, in Addis Ababa, the capital. Hachalu’s death triggered unrest and violence in several towns, particularly in the Oromia region, and left at least 178 people dead from both civilians and law enforcement. Some were mourners and protesters, killed by security forces when they opened lethal fire. Attacks on mainly ethnic and religious minority communities in Oromia also resulted in killingsmassive property destruction, and displacement.

On June 30, security forces in Addis Ababa arrested Oromo Federalist Congress leaders Jawar Mohammed and Bekele Gerba, and Balderas Party figures Eskinder Nega and Sintayehu Chekol for their alleged involvement in the violence. The police have since arrested over 9,000 people, including government officials, many outside of Addis Ababa in the surrounding Oromia region, where independent monitoring of hearings and investigations is more limited.

The authorities detained government critics across the political spectrum, including Lammi Begna of the Oromo Liberation Front, whose whereabouts remained unknown for several weeks; Lidetu Ayalew, founding member of the Ethiopian Democratic Party; and officials from the former ruling Tigrayan People’s Liberation Front, such as Tewelde Gebre Tsadikan and Berihu Tsigie.

The police also arrested journalists representing various media outlets, including a Kenyan journalist, Yassin JumaGuyo Wario and Melesse Direbssa from the Oromia Media Network; and most recently, on August 6, Belay Manaye and Mulugeta Anberbir from the Amharic language outlet Asrat Media. 

The latest bout of violence reflects deeper socio-political tensions, which continued to build after the government’s decision to delay anticipated national elections due to Covid-19. The authorities have now accused many opposition politicians of involvement in the unrest and of allegedly directing or inciting violence, including ethnic violence.

Federal and regional officials blamed people acting on the orders of a breakaway armed group, the Oromo Liberation Army, for Hachalu’s killing. They accused the Tigrayan People’s Liberation Front of coordinating the killing and the violence that followed, and a regional official accused the Balderas party for involvement in unrest in Addis Ababa.

In media reports, officials accused several media outlets, including the Oromia Media Network, of broadcasting polarizing content during the unrest. Authorities opened investigations into and closed the Oromia Media Network’s Addis Ababa offices in early July. They have since alleged that the network and Asrat media broadcasts incited communal violence.

Given the gravity of the abuses and crimes during the week of June 29, Ethiopian authorities are responsible for thoroughly investigating and identifying those responsible. But their response should not undermine defendants’ presumption of innocence, run roughshod over detainees’ rights, nor restrict legitimate critical dissent, Human Rights Watch said.

Human Rights Watch interviews with lawyers, relatives, and people released from detention found that detentions and investigations have been marred by serious due process violations.

Oromia police authorities withheld the whereabouts of several Oromo Liberation Front members from their lawyers and relatives for over a month and denied access to both even after lawyers discovered where they were held, Human Rights Watch found. Refusal to disclose the whereabouts or fate of someone in detention constitutes an enforced disappearance, a serious violation of human rights, a crime under international law, and prohibited in all circumstances.

As of August 14, lawyers still could not meet with Lammi or another party official, Dawit Abdeta. Lawyers representing Chaltu Takele, a political activist arrested in early July, said they met with her for the first-time in federal court around July 20, weeks after her arrest.

Preventing detainees from communicating with families or promptly consulting with a lawyer may place the detainees at greater risk of abuse in detention and undermines their right to a fair trial, Human Rights Watch said.

Human Rights Watch reached out to the office of the federal attorney general for a response to allegations that detainees had not been allowed communicate with lawyers and family, the office responded acknowledging that communications between suspects detained at temporary police detention centers, such as schools, and their family and lawyers and suspects arrested had been limited. But they claimed that detainees held at police stations did not face the same problem. This is not consistent with the facts that Human Rights Watch has determined in many cases.

Though credible and thorough investigations into complex abuses and events take time, Human Rights Watch believes that in several cases police authorities sought to stretch or ignore legal requirements to prolong suspects detentions beyond what was justified by law. For example, they repeatedly appealed or seemed to ignore bail orders, requested more time to investigate, or transferred suspects between police authorities, some with overlapping jurisdictions, without informing relatives or counsel.

In response to Human Rights Watch inquiries, the office of the federal attorney general said that criminal investigations could move between various authorities depending on the location or nature of the crime, but did not comment on how this may affect the time a person spends in custody.

Chaltu’s lawyers and relatives said that federal authorities ignored a July 28 court bail order and transferred her to Oromia police custody. For over a week, regional police denied her access to lawyers and family, including her baby. Chaltu was eventually taken before Sululta district court in Oromia, where regional investigators accused her of the same offenses cited by federal authorities. Chaltu was finally released on August 11.

Under Ethiopian criminal law, courts can consider appeals against bail orders, and the federal attorney general’s office told Human Rights Watch that a detainee could stay in detention during that appeal. However, Human Rights Watch was told of cases in which police investigators also ignored court decisions denying appeals.

Federal and Addis Ababa police investigators appealed a federal court bail order to release Berihu, Tewelde, and three other detained Tigrayan People’s Liberation Front officials on July 30. Police then ignored a higher court decision rejecting the appeal and transferred them to a detention site at a primary school. Relatives and lawyers said that federal authorities still have them in custody, without a court order, and are seeking to open a new investigation based on the same accusations and evidence.

On August 5, federal police similarly ignored a bail order to release journalists Melesse and Yassin. On August 11, federal police transferred Yassin to Addis Ababa police custody where they accused him of the same allegations.

Defense lawyers expressed concern that courts granted repeated remand requests, even though investigators lacked new evidence. After Jawar, Bekele, Eskinder, Sintayehu, and Aster Seyoum spent a month in detention, the attorney general opened a preliminary inquiry in their casea process which allows the prosecutor to proceed with a case before a decision to proceed to a full trial is taken, and can continue to keep accused in custody on remand.

Detainees have been kept at different sites where they face increased risks of contracting Covid-19 in detention. Relatives, lawyers, and those released said that several security guards and detainees, including Dejene Tafa, a senior Oromo Federalist Congress member, and Yassin reportedly tested positive for the virus that causes Covid-19.

At a time when international and global health experts are urging governments to reduce overcrowding in jails to tackle Covid-19, practices that lengthen the pre-trial period, are particularly problematic and ignore Ethiopia’s own commitments, Human Rights Watch said.

In the last decade, Human Rights Watch and other domestic and international human rights organizations have documented arbitrary arrests and politically motivated prosecutions to stifle dissent in Ethiopia.

Ethiopia has domestic and international legal obligations to protect basic rights, including the rights to be free from arbitrary detention, and if lawfully detained, provided with humane treatment and conditions, and guaranteed a fair trial. The authorities should only bring charges for recognizable crimes and where there is sufficient evidence to proceed to trial. Those detained should be informed of the specific grounds for their arrest, be able to fairly contest their detention before an independent and impartial judge, be permitted access to a lawyer and family members, and have their case periodically reviewed.

“Communities reeling from the recent violence deserve meaningful justice,” Bader said. “Entrusted with this responsibility, the government needs to show that it is both doing the hard work of bringing those responsible to account and that it can adhere to the rule of law by conducting credible and thorough investigations while still upholding the rights of those accused of serious offenses.” 


Kaleessa gaafa Wayyaanee buqqifnu Nafxanyoonni likkii keenya arganii nu kadhachuu jalqabanii turani. Siyaasaa kennanii fudhachuutti amananii turan. Gaafa Lammaan faa tuuta 'Xaanaan Keenya' jedhu qabatee Bahr Daar dhaqe sana Oromoon kabajamee ture. Itoophiyaa biyya waloon itti boonnu godhanii jaarrachuufis itti dhihaatamee ture. Gaafas 'Immiyyee Minilik' faarsanii Oromoo irratti zarraaf jechuun ulfaataa ture. 

Eega Abiy masaraa seenee booda wanti hunduu ni jijjiirame. Quufni jaraa isa bara Hayla Sillaaseetti deebi'e. Tuffiin isaanii isa bara Minilik Oromoo cabsee saniin tokko tahe. Oromoon ammoo ''ilma abbaa gadaatu masaraa jira'' jedhee burjaaja'e. Nama Afaan Oromoo dubbatutu achi jira jedhee afanfaajja'e. Diinni Oromoo nyaate inni guddaan burjaajii sababa kanaan dhalatee dha. Osoo nama halagaatu aangoorra jira tahee silaa Oromoon akkanatti of dagatee hin salphifamu ture. Nu raatessan. Yeroo naa kennaa jennaan yeroo dheeraatu kennameef. Yeroo hangasii keessatti  Nafxanyoonni akka of jaaran, Oromoon ammoo akka qoqqoodamu irratti hojjete. Caasaa waggaa 150f diriire lafa jala ture dafanii fayyadamanii biyya toyachuun ''maal abbaa keessanii fiddan'' nuun jedhan. Qaqqaalii qabsoo keenyaaf dungoo fi gaachana tahan garii nyaatan, kan hafanis hidhan. 

Kana wantin kaasuuf akka hadheeffannee ija banannee salphina keessatti kufnee jirru agarruufi. Burjaajii keessa jirru kana keessaa didnee akka dammaqnuufi. Burjaajii hamaa keessa jiraachuu keenyaaf ragaan waan baay'ee tahuyyuu, tokko qofan maqaa dhaha. Guyyaa Hacaaluu ajjeesanii qabee akki itti Jawar faa qabanii hidhan yaadadhaa. Deebiin nuti kanaaf kennaa jirru hanga nurraa eegamu hanqachuun burjaajii yaaddessaa keessatti kufuu keenyaaf ragaa tokko. Jawaar qofa osoo hin taane gootota hangafa Jawaar kan Oromoo ifatti baafna jedhanii jireenya isaanii gammoojjii keessatti guban hundatu guuramee hidhaa jira. Laalannaan nuti warra nuuf jedhee jiruu ofii wareegee kan amma hidhaa jiran saniif qabnu hagam jennee of gaafachuu hanqachaa jirra. Mallattoon burjaajii gadi fagoo nuti keessa jirruu isa kana. Sirna Nafxanyaa nurratti deebi'ee jaaramaa jiru kana odoma garruu teenyeetuma wal eegna taanaan
1. Gootota sabni tokko jireenya bara dheeraa keessatti al tokko horatu kan mana hidhaa jiran lubbuun argachuuf hin deemnu. 
2. Aarii, abdi kutannaa fi wal komiidhaan diina dhiifnee quba walitti qabnee wal facaasuutti deemna.
3. Sirni Nafxanyaa hamaatu bifa lamuu nurraa hin buqqaaneen nurratti gad dhaabbata.
4. Saba hanga baay'ina isaa hin geenye, tuffatamaa, kan guddatee ka'ee salphate, kan bicuu hundaan cabsamuuf kajeelamu taanee hafna. 

Kana keessaa bahuuf ammas yeroo xiqqoo ni qabna. Xiiqii kanaaf nu gahu garuu qabnaa? Qabsoo walirraa hin cinne goonee salphina owwaallee ulfina gonfachuuf dhuguma nuti qophii dhaa? Gaaffiin koo inni guddaan isa kana. Kanaaf qophii taanaan kaanee wal kakaafna, lama sadiin wal gurmeessinee gurmuu miliyoonotaa jaarra malee teenyee wal hin eegnu.