Tuesday, September 15, 2020


American Citizen Misha Chiri kidnapped by Oromia Police moments after he was freed on bail by an Addis Ababa court.
I was arrested and detained together with Misha  early July and faced similar charges.  
His whereabouts remain unknown. 
I was similarly kidnapped in the same style after the same court freed me on bail. This illegal kidnappings usually take place after the federal police fail to produce evidence in court. The case is then taken over by another police force...this time probably the Oromia police...who then will take another one month "investigating" making sure that Misha remains in detention for as long as they wish. He will be facing the same same charges that the Federal police failed to prove only difference this time is that the prosecutor is Oromia police. When Oromia police fails to sustain in court Misha will be freed on bail again and then again Kidnapped by Addis Ababa to make sure he is detained for another month adding up to 3 months on detention.
That is the justice system in Ethiopia for you...the headquarters of African Union.

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