Thursday, September 17, 2020


They can try, as they have done hundreds of times, to destroy the OLF, but they never and never and never succeed. The OLF will be the winner at the end of the day when the Oromos have won their freedom which is the ultimate goal of the OLF fight!

Ms #SolianaShimelles was anti-OLF from the start and most importantly, she is motivated by #OromoPhobia even when she comments on Oromo issues. She has never been neutral as she would be as a member of the Ethiopian Electoral Board which should represent all political parties.

Since she was appointed by Abiy Ahmed without any approval from the other parties, she fulfills the mission given to her by Abiy to destroy the OLF. But she will be falling a million times and never succeeds in here lifetimes.
Last time she lied to VOA reporters when asked if Mr. Dowud submitted a letter to the board about legal action against those who violated OLF internal rules and opposed the OLF. 
Contrary she endorsed the false allegations against the chairman of the OLF - Dawud Ibsa.
Here is proof that the letter was sent to the council while she lied to the media about it. Shame goes on her and on the board and it's just ridiculous to have such liars in that position. where is the dignity and responsibility for what they are meant to represent?

የምርጫ ቦርዷ ሶልያና  ሽመልስ አልደረሰንም ብላ VOA Amharic ላይ ሽምጥጥ አድርጋ የካደችው ኦነግ ለምርጫ ቦርድ ያሳወቀበት ደብዳቤ::

ለታሪክ እና ለማረጃ ብቻ:

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