Saturday, September 19, 2020


Ethiopia’s neo-Neftegna regime filed terrorism and other charges against 24 prominent Oromo opposition leaders and activists in one of the most outrageous & fraudulent legal proceedings in the country. 

As I’ve been pointing out since Jawar and several others were arrested, this decision is entirely political and it is motivated by the the Prime Minister’s dictatorial desire to eliminate his formidable political opponents from Ethiopia’s political scene. The PM knows that his anomalous prosperity party which was wholly designed to consolidate his personal power has no hope of winning a democratic election and the only way he can realise his childhood dream of crowning himself the 7th King (as he repeatedly told us) is by disposing his powerful adversaries. That is elimination in “accordance with some prearranged rules”

This is not a “trial”. It is political repression through the weaponisation of the law and the court system. These proceedings have nothing to do with the rule of law or justice. And they do absolutely nothing to cure Ethiopia’s historic ills.

While the elimination of individuals who pose a critical electoral threat to the govt no doubt serves the personal interests of the showboat Prime Minister, it will haunt Ethiopia for decades to come.

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