Wednesday, August 31, 2016


Amaanaa goototaa
Kan fuudhanii dhufan,
Tokkoof lamaa miti
Goottan lammiif kufan,
Kumaatamaa _jira
Falmaa itti fufan!
Kan lammiif quuqaman
Gudeedni oromtichaa,
Musxafaa Husseeniif
Galataa Itichaa,
Diina ajjeesanii kufan
Seenaanis tokkichaa,
Gumaa jaallan keenyaa
Bilisummaat galcha.
Maqaa keessan qorree,
Siidaa isinii dhaabnaa,
Galmee goototaa irratti
Dhiigaan barreessinaa,
Lammiidhaaf haa kennu
Obsaaf jajjabinaa,
Rabbirraa jannata
Isiniif hawwina.
Munawar Laga Arbaa tin.


Breaking| Ethiopia: Angry protesters stoned Gambella President car

Gambella city residents staged a spontaneous demonstration after a refugee mob maimed and killed several Ethiopians.
A mob of South Sudanese refugees, mostly from Nuer tribe, attacked Ethiopian laborers on Thursday, as HornAffairs broke the news later that day.
The refugee’s mob was triggered by a car accident that killed two girls near Jewi refugees camp. The vehicle belonged to ACF (Action contre la faim), yet the driver was a “highlander” – a local label applied to Ethiopian residents who are neither from Nuer nor Anuak tribes.
Local sources informed HornAffairs the refugees killed two women and eight men. Another thirteen injured. The victims were “carpenters, masonry workers and daily laborers”.
However, VOA Amharic reported fourteen deaths. The number could rise further since the refugees chased the victims to the forest, where they mutilated the bodies.
Highlanders living in Gambella town held a demonstration today in protest of the killings. It lasted for about four hours from 9:30 am to 2:30 pm in the afternoon.
Federal Police blocked the protesters from going to Jewi camp. They later unsuccessfully tried to cross the Baro Bridge into to newland – an area dominated by Ethiopian Nuers.
However, Federal police and soldiers, in charge of securing the bridge, prevented the protesters.
Several Gambella residents told HornAffairs gunshots were fired for several minutes.
However, one local claimed the security officers were trying to calm down the protesters reasoning that an attack on newland will put highlanders in that vicinity in danger.
Photo - Gambella city residents protest killings by South Sudan refugees
Photo – Gambella city residents protest killings by South Sudan refugees. [Photo: Social media]
A Nuer mob was reportedly roaming in newland. It appears federal police quickly dispersed it.
Yet, HornAffairs received multiple tips that the highlander protesters had attacked a Nuer business around the Baro Bridge. Causalities were not confirmed.
Gambella region’s President Gatluak Tut Koat had his vehicle stoned when he went to talk to the protesters. Local sources claimed the windshield was broken, but it was difficult to verify the claim.
The protesters refused to meet Galtuak, who is Nuer, and requested for his deputy Olero Opiew, who is Anuak, instead. Olero held a meeting with the protesters late afternoon.
The motorcade of Riek machar, the leader of the South Sudanese rebel SPLM/A-IO, was reportedly stoned by demonstrators. It was not immediately clear whether he was in the same vehicle or motorcade with the regional president. The two officials were seen together at the Gambella Grand Resort hotel early afternoon. Machar, who is from the South Sudanese Nuer tribe, was supposed to go to the airport in the afternoon to fly to Juba, South Sudan, as part of a protracted peace deal facilitated by Ethiopia and IGAD.
A foreign correspondent tweeted two vehicles of World Food Program (WFP) were attacked.
The regional president issued a statement in the evening, for the first time since the refugee mob lynched the highlanders. He claimed thirty refugees are detained in connection to the Thursday attacks and expressed his condolences.
Jewi camp hosts almost fifty thousand individuals, mostly from South Sudan’s Nuer tribe. The camp is located 18 kms from Gambella town on the road to Addis Ababa. Ethiopia hosts about 270 thousand South Sudanese refugees mostly at the six refugee camps in Gambella region.


Oromiyaa, Lafa jiituu Bona birraa - Malkaan hedduu lageenirra.
Gaaffii seenaa situ furaa - Qe`ee Oromoo Oromummaa
Madda keenya kan ganama.
Ijoolleenkee kan beekanii -  Biyyaa horii biyya loonii.
Ganda quufaa qe`ee nyaata - Gabroomuun kee maaliif laataa?
Qe`e abbaa ababayyuu - Hundee Oromoo akaakayyuu.
Siinan jedhaa Oromiyaa - Nan dhageessu abbaa biyyaa.
Maaltu taanaan jala seente - Alagaadhaan ukkaamamtee
 Bara dheeraaf sassaamamtee -  Hiree dhabdee tuffatamte.
Beekaa dhabdee Manguddoota - Kan siif cichu qabsa`ota?
Dargaggoomoo goota dhabde - Gadadamtuun maaf siqabdee?.
Onneetu badee kan dargaggoo - Nuti hintaanuu warra aangoo.
Dargaggootafi shammarranisoo - Hedduu qabda nama qabsoo.
Jaarsaaf jaartii heedduu baattee -  Qabeenyaa kee ormaaf laatte.
Eenyuun dhiistee kam komattaa - Qaanyii hin beeknee Ufii baatta.
Buddeen qaanyii kan nyaatani - Saalfii borii hin beekani.
Hortee galtuu nafxanyootaa - Nafxii baatee sirra kaata.
Kaan ilmaankee kana laalaa - Sisaamuyyuu wajjin yaalaa
Qaanyii hin beeku hin saalfanne - gabroomuukeef karaa bane
Kaanis jira kan siif yaadu - Afaan qofaan kan siif gaddu
Hidhii xuuxee yaadaan waamaa - Ni abbala qabsaa`ummaa
Garuu, murannoodhaan hin birmatu - Qabsoof jedhee hin buxxunnatu
Yaada qofaan ofoggolaa - Oldeebi`ee oduu qala
Gadi ba`ee iddoofnolmu - Qabsoo dirree Oolmaa hin godhu
Rakkoo qabsoo du`a se`a - Sodaa  kanaan Ofis fe`a
Shakkii kanaan diina  baata - Qabeenyasaas ormaaf laata.
Diidaa dhufee itti foggalee - Obbolaasaa qabee qalee
shamarransaa fuudhee gale.
Gadaa gatee maqaa durii - Nifaallate maqaa Xurii
Dargaggummaan maal fakkaataa, jufunfuluun maaliif laataa?
meeqa nuti darggaggootaa, gola keessa maalfaa gootaa
Yeroon ammaa kan ciisanii ol-galani kan ta`ani?
diinqa teenye maalfaa goona - darggaggummaan silaa yoona
Yeroo ummanni nutti iyyatu - Harka afarsee nu yaammatu
Numa ture kan birmatu.
Maaloo ka`aa  yaa dardaraa - Saalfii hin baannu kan galgalaa.
Faachi faayaan mana dhufe -  nafxiin haaraa nutti dhufe
Honnee qabna kan sabummaa - Maaloo banne Oromummaa
Erga durii nuttu marsu -  Ammas kunoo nutti Hafarsu
Nigowwamnaa bara baraan, ni bitamnaa qadandalaan
Maal abdanne maaliif  tenya - Ya dargaggoo kun jireenya?
Nutti tolaa gola ta`uun - Diinqa harmee keessa ya`uun.
Sirba dhaqnee waweellisuun - Faacha hin qabnee Uftaasisuun
Aadaan keenya goota faarsaa - Mee kakasaa warri jaarsaa
Maaloo ka`aa wawawaannaa - Diina Ufirraa lololanna
Dirqamichas Ufbaafannaa - Yoosu argannaa bilisoomnaa
Kanafeetee Oromiyaan - Kanaaf tola dargaggummaan
Abbaa boree biyya baasa- Bilisumma babadhaasa
Horatteetti jagna namaa - kan dhalootaa kan ganamaa
Siif qabsa`a wareegama - Gammachuunsaa dhufa amma
Siif qabsa`a wareegama - Gammachuunsaa dhufa amma


Heavily Armed ENDF Soldiers Deployed In Amhara Region To Crash Protesters: Radio, Activists

According to sources in Addis Abeba and Amhara Regional cities, and Addis Abeba based Sheger Radio, thousands of heavily armed members of the Ethiopian National Defense Forces (ENDF) along with the special squad of Agazi Force, have been deployed to the Gojjam and Gonder provinces of the Amhara regional state.
Images also appeared on social media showing heavy army vehicles being transported, in what appears to be the two regional towns.
Several protesters have also reportedly been killed today. ESAT reported that farmers freed hundreds of protesters, who were detained in the Sabatamit prison in the outskirts of Bahir Dar city.
Prime Minister Hailemariam Dessalegn said the current level of protest in Ethiopia is containable but blamed foreign countries that do not want Ethiopia to benefit using its resources, who are now “funding extreme Diaspora forces.”
Hailemariam said he ordered security forces to take “any & all” forms of measures against protesters across Ethiopia.
The Amhara Regional Administration today announced on the regional television that it has started arresting key figures suspected of leading the ant-government protests


Ethiopia’s Regime Prioritizes Power Over Reform as Ethnic Protests Continue

William Davison Tuesday, Aug. 30, 2016
ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia—In Ethiopia’s two most-populous ethnic regions, anti-government rallies turned into a bloodbath in early August as security forces again used live ammunition against protesters. In the western part of Oromia, the largest of Ethiopia’s nine ethnically based states, the town of Nekempte looked like a “war zone,” according to a protester. An opposition party said almost 100 people were killed and thousands arrested after demonstrations across the sprawling Oromia region, which encircles the capital, Addis Ababa, and borders Kenya in the south and South Sudan in the west. A day later in Bahir Dar, the capital of Amhara state, Amnesty International said police killed as many as 30 people. The government said a protest descended into a riot. Historic Gondar city to the north also saw more demonstrations, vandalism and repression. 

The sustained discontent in Oromia, which began after unrest erupted last November, presents a major challenge to the country’s government, which came to power in 1991 when an insurgency led by the minority Tigrayan ethnic group overthrew a military regime. Having been granted autonomy in a federal system, the Oromo, who number around 35 million as Ethiopia’s largest ethnic group, are asserting their rights. ...


Feyisa Lilesa sheds light on abuses in Ethiopia

    MONDAY, AUGUST 29, 2016 - 16:28
    Gloria Nafziger: Refugee and Migrant Rights Coodinator
    On August 21, as Silver medalist Feyisa Lilesa finished a marathon at the Rio Olympics, he crossed his arms above his head in a gesture of solidarity with the Oromo people in Ethiopia. He is reported as saying, “The Ethiopian government is killing my people so I stand with all protests anywhere as Oromo is my tribe. My relatives are in prison and if they talk about democratic rights they are killed.”
    He did not return to Ethiopia, and is reported to be seeking asylum in either Brazil or the United States.
    Feyisa Lilesa is right to be concerned about human rights violations targeting the Oromo in Ethiopia.
    Early in August of this year, at least 97 people were killed and hundreds more injured when Ethiopian security forces fired live bullets at peaceful protesters across Oromia region and in parts of Amhara. A disproportionate violent police response to protests has resulted in over 500 protestors’ deaths recorded in Oromia region since November 2015 and over 100 others in the Amhara and Oromia region in the month of August.
    Many others, like Feyisa Lilesa have fled Ethiopia and sought safety in other countries. The violent police response to protests has caused a massive movement of Oromos out of Ethiopia. Unlike Feyisa Lilesa, their stories remain untold, and the places where they have sought protection are not so welcoming.
    In the past month, Amnesty International has been receiving credible reports that Djiboutian police have been rounding up and detaining hundreds of Amhara and Oromo Ethiopian asylum seekers and refugees with the aim of deporting them back to Ethiopia. Summary deportations of Ethiopian asylum seekers and refugees from Djibouti occur on a daily basis.   The number of deportations to Ethiopia escalated after the weekend of 7-8 August, the same weekend that large protests in both Oromo and Amhara regions of Ethiopia occurred. The Ethiopian government has often accused Ethiopians outside the country of planning these protests.
    The asylum seekers and refugees in Djibouti face a real risk of torture and other forms of ill-treatment upon their return to Ethiopia. Their deportations violate not only their rights to non-refoulement (the right not to be transferred to a place where the individual would be at real risk of persecution or other serious human rights violations), but also their procedural rights to oppose the deportations on human rights grounds.
    Through crowd funding initiatives it is reported that more than $100,000 has been raised to assist Olympic champion Feyisa Lilesa in his efforts to obtain safety. A sign once again that when their story is told, the public is willing and able to show compassion and support towards refugees who need protection.
    The Ethiopian refugees in Djibouti also need your support. Please respond Amnesty International’s recent urgent action on behalf of Ethiopians facing removal from Djibouti to 

    FULL The TPLF Manifesto of February 1976 The Republic of Greater Tigra...

    FULL The TPLF Manifesto of February 1976 The Republic of Greater Tigra...



    Qabsoo Oromoon Gegesa jiru kun Tofta, Tarsimoo, Caasaa Cimmaa  fi Gargarsa cimmaa barbaachisa

    Getachew Jigi Demekssa irraa
    Qabsoo biyya tokko bakkan gaa’uf waan gutamuu qabu heeddutu jira, gurma’iina, humna nama, caasaa, meesha fi mallaaqaa (dhiyeesu ykn logistic), duda dube, Oggansa Cimmaa fi gorsitoota gosa hunda qoophefachuu barbaachisa. Qabsoo amma adeemsia jiru kanaaf kana keessa maltuu guutamee maltuu hanqatee jira yoon jeedhe Oromoo gaafadhee qabsoo keenya kana waan baayetu hiratee jira. Hanqini inni gudan fi dursa furmata argachuu qabu ammoo wal dhaga’uu fi wal dhageefachuu dhabuun dhabate wal dhageefachuu fi wal hubachuu qabna. Namni yoo waa qeequu ykn  mormii kasuu namni kun maliif kana mormee ykn balaalefatu rakkoo mali arige ta’a lataa maliif mormee jeedhani dhabatan of ilaaluu barbaachisa, ofi dubatan of dhageefachuu qoofa utuu hin tanee saba ofi, loltu ofi, hayyuu ofi fi lammii ofi dhageefacha adeemuu qabna.
    Qabsoo kami fi lola kamiyuu keessati waan gutamuu qabatu fi waan heedduu barbaachiiftootatu  jira. Isaan kessa, Waaraani Ajjeeja Qabachuu qaba, Madoo loltu isaa kan walanuuf duda dube qabachuu qaba, qabsoo kamiyuu keessatti haawwasi hidhamatoota isaa fi maati isaan kununfachuu qabu. Keenya isaa kamtu hirate jene wal gorfacha fi wal dhageefacha hin jiru, qileensa keessatti fi media irratti ajjaja dabarsuun ,Face book fi Twitterdhan labsii basuun bu’aa fiduu irra gaga’ama guda fida.
    FDG fi FXG kan abbuman gegesuu Qeerroo Biyoolesa Oromoo ta’uun isaa ni beekama. Qeerroon ani caasaa qaba, Ogansa mata koon qaba, kara deggersaf na qunamtanin qaba jeedhe Qeerroon Idila Adunya herregaa Bank akka qabu ibsate ture, Qeerroon Idila Adunya sana iyuu al tokkicha herregaa  Bank  isaa ibsee achuman haacaaliisu iyuu malee, barii kun bara Tefozo waan ta’eef Qeerron Idila Adunya Diaspora keessa jiru sochosu dhisee akuuma Diaspora Oromoo ol debi’ee waan rafee nati fakata. Qeerron idla Adunya Mariin goochun fi deggersa mallaaqaa isaa qeerroo biyya keessaf walti qabuu argee hin beeku, Diasporan ilee ofi isaa yaade mallaaqii bank Qeerroti erga hin jiru kun dogogora gudadha. Qeerron Biyyolesa Oromoo Ogana qabsoo  gegesa FXG ta’uu isaa fi sochii isaati boona jirachu keenya malee garggarsa goodhamaf jiru hin argine. Hanga Fayyisa Lelisa ilee dirmanan hin goodhamnef kun siirrefamuu qaba. Ogannon Qeerroo baratoon University heeddun Mada’an jiru, Mana hidhati guramani dararamani qamaa hiratan jiru. Oromoo loltuu isaa nyachiisu,   madoo isaa walanachuu fi hidhamtoota isaa kununfachuu qaba, kana goochuuf ammoo mallaaqa fi deggersa gosa hunda barbaachisa.
    Maliif qeeqa kana kafte yoo jeetan garbuman hirba na dhorke halkan rafuu dadhabeen bareesuu egalee rakko nama hin rafifnetu jira. Madoo keenya biyya keessatu yaalamaa hin jiru, hidhamtoon keenya fi maatiin isaani rakkacha jiru, jeequmsa kanan jarsa fi jaartin hojjeeta fi baratan naannoo isaa irra buqa’uu biyya keessa faca’ee jira. Finfinnee keessa kan kara irra bula jiru, Baratoon University nannoo isaaniti galuu sodatani Finfinne keessa rakkacha jirantu jira. Nan yaadadha bara 2002, Bara 2004 yeroo ijoolleen University mana barumsati jeequmsaf ari”amani abba dhaban, yeroo Macaaf Tulaman diigamee namoota Walda Waqeefataa Oromoo keesa jiran murasa waliin tane Nyata fi bakka da’oo ijoollee Oromoof barbaada ture, Churchn Ortodoksi Ethiopia gaafa inni ijoollee Oromoo qabee gara Ijoollee 600 waraanaati latuu ishee hafte Walda Mekane yesusi Gulaleeti akka qubatan goone luba Tesgara Jamootu Keesumuma dhufani isaantu Bilbila na jala kasee “anni ilee keesuma dha Oromoo biyya isaa irratti bakka fi da’oo dhabe bakkeeti hin ganuu tokkoo tokkoon ergi ni simmana” na jeedhan Waldan kuni lubu meeqa du’aa olchite.
    Hara’oo maltuu jira Zoon Oromoo hunda keessatti Waloo fi Wambara dabalate yakki goodhama jiru fi dararamni lammii Oromoo irratti goodhama jiru wal fakaataa dha bakka hundatuu, Kokosa fi Gadab Asaasaa, Awaday fi Haromaya, Masala fi Dadar, Manasibu fi Najoo, Ambo fi Gincci, Medaqanyi fi Jaldu, Wadeesa fi Obora, Gimbi fi Nekemte, Gujii fi Borana, Iluabbabori fi Jimma, Kamisee fi Wambara keessatti waan saba keenya irratti deemisfama jiru gadisisa fi yaadeesa dha. Mee Aanaa tokko akka fakeenyati waanin qabataman beekun isiinif ibsa kana jeechu Aannalee Oromiyaa 700 ol fi Ganda Oromoo Oromiyaa 8000 ta’aan keessatti yakka akkasitu adeema akka jiru waanin beekuufin tokkiti qoofa akka fakeenyati kasse.
    Aanaa Manasibu baran Bartaa ture  bara Dargi namoon waliin hidhamne keessa tokko Henok Dagimi Jeedhama namni kun fi Hiriyoon isaa akka Hirpha Disasa, Bulti Jalata, Qajeela Abdata, Waljjira Dibari, Jirata Terfasa, Birasaa Riqitu, Marga terfasa, Youhans Gudina, Mijana Gemeda, Waljira Dibari, Mohamed Negara, Rega’a Mulatu, Iyasu Kasahun, Qajeela Farada, Waljjira Guta kkf bayeen isaan hanga haraati bara isaan itti hin hidhamin haafan hin jiru. Bara 1980 kassan hanga haraati ABO jeedhaman yakkamani hidhamu namon kun erga ABOn ba’ee yeroo WFDOn ijaramee ilee miseensa WFDO ta’aan ABO jeedhaman hidhamuu, biyya ari’atamuu. Bara 2014, bara 2015 yeroo amma kana ilee Hirpha Disasa, Raga’a Mulatu, Bulti Jalata, Iyasu Kasahun, Mohamed Negera fi kkf kan biroon  Maikalawi fi Qalenxoo Mana hidha jiru. Jarsoolin beekamon Manasiibu umuri wagga 70 fi 80 akka Obbo Waljjira Dibari fi Jirata Terfasa kkf jarsolii soramuu fi kununfamuu qaban, jarsaolii kabajamo Agaziin biyya ari’ee Finfinnee keesatti bakketi kufan jiru, Kantiiba Magala Mandi fi Ittiaanaa durta’aa WFDO kan ture Yohans Gudina fi namootaa heeddun yakka fi badii tokko malee Agazii fi ergamtoon diina Kabinooota Manasiibu biyya ari’ataman jiru. Haawwas Manasiibu Jarsoolii Uummata birrati kabajamoo fi namoota jalatamoo kana biyya ari’achu saba sana xifuma mootumma waliin wal dura dhabuu ta’uu isaa mirkanesuun jarsooliin kun umuri kanati yakka tokko ilee raawwatan kan hin beekne ta’uu ibsan.  Yakka kana Agazii kan raawwachisan fi  Namoonni yakka kana uummata kana irratti raawwatan:-
    1. Waannaa Qixxaataa,
    2. Tasfaayee Qajeelaa fi
    3. Cuulaa Toliinaa ti yakkamtton sadan kun seerati akka dhiyaatan gaafacha jiru.
    Kun gutuumaa Oromiyaa keessatti kan deema jiru dha Manasiibu akka fakeenyatin kasee malee.  Kun kan argisisu Mootumman Ethiopia saba kana bulchuu hin dandeenye, Kabine OPDO Aanaa fi Ganda Oromiyaa jirtu hunda keessatti uumata naga jeequn xifuma jeequmasa babaalisa jiru. Namoni kun maatiin isaan diigame jira ijoolleen isaan barumsa irra dhabatan jiru, beelaa fi rakkof saxilama jiru. Deggersa tokko malee gaafi tokko malee, hamilee fi kununsa tokko malee jirenya gidiira gegesa jiru, lammi Oromoo, Haawwasi Oromoo biyya keesa fi biyya ala kan humna fi mallaaqa qabu kana caalisee ilaaluu hin qabu, gargaruu qaba.
    Lola fi Qabsoo kami iyuu keessati waan 3 barbaachisadha jeedhera, Qeeroon kana 3 keessa  Ogaansa fi Caasaa qaba jeenera, Duda dube (Lojistic) fi tumsi jiru garuu hin jiru. Kana qoofa miti Qeerron saganta mata isaa qaba humna isaa fi qabeenya isaa irratti hunda’uu waa inni hojjeeta jirut jira. Garuu Actvistoon biyya ala humna qeerro utuu hin madaliin fi deggersa tokko utuu hin goodhinif afaan qula yeroo ajeeja fi dirqama siiriti hin qoratamin fi siiriti hin madalamin media irran labsi basan gaga’ama utuu fidu argina. An yeerro dheeraf nama FDG kana ergan jalqaba kasse hordofa jiru. Kanaafuu ji’aa kana keessa FXG waamiichii akka Labsiti Face Book fi Median darba turan morman ture.  Hirira fi FXGn mormu miti akkata isaan itti nama wamani fi tofta dadhaba diinaf nama saxiiludha jeedhen morma ture, fakeenyaf Finfinne, Naqamte, Gimbi fi Mandi irratti hiriraf nama yeroo waman bakka akkas, sa’aa akkasi, qixa akkasi, yeroo tokkon, bakka sanati argamtan gara magaalaati socho’uu qabdu jeedha. Kana Mootumman biyya bulcha jiru iyuu kan waraana qabuu akkasti waamuu ni sodata. Kana jeechun waraana Wayyanen bakka sanati argamtun uummata hirira ba’ee rukuti jeechudha jeedhen morme, namni kun mal rakkate morma jira namni jeedhe hin jiru nama tokkotu Naqamte irra wamiichii kun dogogora qabachuu mala dhugadha nan jeedhe.
    Waamiichii media fi Facebookn wamame kun bala guda fide Finfinne kara fi bakka Oromoo itti bayyatu jeedhame yaadamee hunda irratti humna waraana heeddu boobafte kampy itti Oromoo guran qoophesite keesumati Burayuu baridha ka’aan Oromoo hunda ID isaa ilaalan sasabuu egalan Vedio kana ilaala yakka hama fi suukanesa finfnfinneti Hagayya 6 raawate,  waan kana fakkatuu bakka wamiichi seeran ala wamame kanati hundati gaga’ama wal fakatatuu ga’ee Finfinne, Mandi, Gimbi fi Naqamte  bakka uumman itti walga’uuf wamame durse waraani qabate uummata egachuun tokko tokkon qabe hidhu egale Finfinnee keessa qoofadha  namaa 3,500 akka Vedio irratti argamuu kana reebame Matahaarati ( Awash Arba) ti gurame torban lama hidhaman kan amayuu achit hafee Godiinalee fi Aanaalee Oromiya keesa wari guraman Dedhessaa, Xolayi, Sanqalee, Balee fi shawa roobiti guraman.
    Gaafa Mata haadadha, wayya gurcha ufadha jeedhan ilee nan morme toftan kun qeerroo ijoollee Oromoo biyya jirtu diinaf saxila, biyya ala namni jiru goochu ni danda’aa. Namni biyya ala jiru Mata Haadachuu fi wayaa gurcha ufachuu qoofa utuu hin tanee quulaa isaa iyuu dhabate mormii isaa argisisuuf mirga qaba, ijoollee biyya keessa harka diina jirtun kana goodhi jeechun deemi mana hidha dhaqi jeechu dha. Waan hojeenu waan bu’aa fiduu ta’uu qaba malee waan lammi bala gudaf saxiiluu ta’uu hin qabu. Waan hojjeechuuf jeenuu dura Oganni waan sana gegesuu ta’ee bu’aa inni fiduu fi bala hin qabuu wal birra qabee madaluu qaba. Sochiin qabsoo goodhamu dura siiriti qooratamu fi irratti mari’atamuu qaba. Malee qabsoo gegefama jiruti mirqanee  dirama gaga’ama fidu uummata ajaajjuu hin qabnu, uummani fi qeerron diina falma jiran kun harka qula jiru.
    Diaspora biyya ala ta’ee ajaajja dabarsuu kun Qeerroon meesha waraanaa waan ittin bitatuu gargara hin jiru, Ijoolle qeerron hidhamte fi Hospitala jirtu Ufana dhisati waan nyatu hin qabdu. Mecha fi Tulami Prof. Asafa jalatan Oganamuu garggarasa hanga tokko akka goocha jiru nan beeka. Garuu Haawwas Oromoo Adunya irra jiru wara qabsoo haqa gegesa jiran kana akka itti gargaran qindoomini gariin hin jiru. Hundi nama waan barbade goodha jira, kun siiri miti, ABO fi WBO maaf loluu didan kan jeedhan wara komatuu malee WBOn maliin lola nama jeedhu dhaga’ee hin beeku. Giduu kana namni tokko Suura WBO mila qulaa adeemu maxanse ture heeddun gade, waraanaa qoophe hin qabne bosonatti naqne dhifne maliif lolu dide jeedhan komachuu irra of gaafachuu qabna.  Ano maliin goocha jira jeedhan of gaafachuu wayaa, nami hundi waan dandeesu goodhi. Ani fi maatiin koo ilee erga mana bane waan dandaye hunda caraquu irra guyya tokko ilee sa’aa tokkof of qusane hin beeknu.
    Torban darbe Mal goonu ? kan jeedhu Bareefama tokko qoophese dhaabbilee Oromoo fi deggertoota Bilisumma fi Walabummaa Oromiyaa hundaf ergen ture, namoon yaada na gumachiftan asuman hundi keessanu galatoman jeedha. Dhaabbileen Oromoo umuri keessan gutuu yaada uummata gorsa nama hin dhageenye ilee galatoman isiinin jeedha.  Garuu Actvistoon Oromoo (Diaspora) utuu iyyata koo kana dhageessan qabsoo Qeeroon ijoollee Oromoo ji’aa 10 gutuu utuu wal irra hin citiin itti du’aa jiran kana buutani Habaasha jala galchuuf katan hubadha dogogoraa jirtu. Lakkisa dhabadha yaada diina hin tufatiina gara keessan hin laatiinafi, guyuma tokkooti gamadani diina duka hin utalina, torbanuma tokkooti Afaan Oromoo lagatani Afaan Amharan bareesuu warii egaltan dhaabbadha. Nama yaada keessan dhageefatee isiin irra fudhatuu ilee dhabuuf deemtu qubee generationin Afaan Amhara hin beeku, Diaspora mee of qusadha.
    Oromoo yeroo meeqa dogogoruu qabna ?.
    • Gobana Dacee Duran Ethiopia tokko goodhe ergasi Minilikin buqisee angoo qabadha jeedhe ture jeedhama, garuu yeroon Ethiopia hunda qabate tokko goodhe Finfinneeti deebi’uu minilik durse Summi keenamef awwalcha garii ilee dhabe.
    • Fewuterari Habte Gorgisi waldhabde xiinoo Lij Iyasu Ali waliin goodhate waan guda goodhe qeesoota Habaashati michoome  lij Iyasu dhabamisise Teferi Angese of ilee Sumiin dhabamsifamee
    • Gaafa Teferi (Haile Silasen) kufuu Oganoon Warana heeddun Oromoo dha Dhaabilee siyaasaa jiran tokko irra kan hafee kani Oganni isaan Oromoo dha garuu hundi isaan Oromoo dhisan Ethiopiaf dhaabatan utuu wal lolan Habaashan Dargi dhuma isaan ijaran itii galagalachite hunda isaan dabare dabareedhan rukute Qarroon Oromoo hundi dhabaman.
    • Bara Dargin kufe ilee Habaasha Amanani Waraanaa Kampy galchani ofi deemun hanga yoona lammii Oromoo keessa isaa madeese jira
    • Inni amma ammoo kan caaluu Dhaabbilee Oromoo tokko ta’uu dadhabani diina Oromoo waliin yeroo tokko ta’aan ijan arga jira.
    1. Waga 6 dura gaafa dhaabi Oromoo tokko Habaashan wal ta’ee Minisoota USA bakka Oromoo kumi 50 jiratuti Sirba Gurage dhichisaa bulaan vedion arge gade garatu na cite. Habaashan garuu isaan gowomsine jeedhe video dhan media hundati gadi dhisan
    2. WFDO fi KBO ilaalcha adda adda qabatan ilee utuu beeknu akka Oromoon tokko ta’uu goone erga tokko ta’aan booda KBO ilaalcha nu irratti jibinu sana ol base MEDRAKti gale Arena Tigira fi Sayee Abirha faa waliin dhichiisuu egalan, jeequmsi hin wayyuu jeene caailfne obsneef, asii irratti dhabachuu dhisee ammiyuu Neo-minilikan Samayawi Party fi MEISOn waliin hojjeechuf deema. Ijalaafeetiin obboleessaf deesi jeedhama OFC asi irratti dhabachuu qaba, WFDOn kayyoo inni dhabateef hundi haqame waan jiruf kana booda waliin deemu hin danda’an kan jeedhu ejjennoo Miseensoota WFDO hunda ta’ee jira. Wajjira OFC cufa ta’uu sun gaafa banamu iyuu Afaan Amharan nu dubsuu kan jeedhan Oromoon wajjiricha baqachuu isaan fi akka WFDO qoofati soocha’a jirachu isaan ibsacha jiru.
    3. Bara 2011 kessa ammoo du’aa Melese Zenawi booda ‘secessionists’ Nationalistoon ango akka hin qabaneef mootumman USA fi Sabi Ethiopia waan goochu qabu qabxilee 5 lafa ka’uun qabsoo Oromoon wagga 40 gooti heeddun itti wareegamee kara itti cufuf akeeka kawamee sagalee fi bareefaman ragan guda na harka jira.
    4. Torban kana ammoo Oromoo fi Amhari hiidi keenya tokko warii gargari nu basuu feetan fi warii tokkumma keenya hin jalane daftan bakka barbaadachuu qabdu isiin dhabamsifna kan jeedhu of egannoon saboontota Oromoof keenama jira.
    5. Barana ammoo Medical Doctorin Oromoo (ODF) of jeedhe tokko ani Gondore dha ani Gojamee dha ani kana boode secessionists miti, ani kana booda ‘zerenya’ miti, ‘zeranyoon’ fi nationalistoon baduu qabu jeechun yeroo lama fi sadi Paltak Habaasha keessatti dubaacha ture, kun Oromoo heeddu gadisise jira;
    6. Ibsi fi dhadannoo ba’uu hundi Afaan Amharan ta’aa jira, wal ta’aan diina TPLF hama kufisun garii dha. Garuu haruma diina amanan saboontoota Oromoo sosodachisuun kun bala qaba. OPDOn Oromoo qulquluu Haacuce Tigire fi Amhara Afaan Oromoo dubatan hunda Koree Hojii raawachiftuu fi kore Gidugaleessa akka goote bori ilee akkas goona jeedhan Actvistoon Diaspora Oromoo Makoo, jaldhufa, Gudifacha fi Neo-Nefxanya Afaan Oromoo beekuu ijjaracha jiru, garuu hin milka’an.
    Dhamasan isaanf qabu tokkiti dhaabbi Oromoo ykn Namni Oromoo Habaasha waliin hariroo ykn waltajii ijjarate milka’ee beeku hin jiru, akkuma gararati jeedhe Dhaabbileen ykn namoon Habaashati froman   hundi booden isaa badiituu isaan qunamee. Gobana Dace, Habtegrorgis Dinagide, Tefari Banti, Icaat, MEISON, OPDO, OLF (Chartaraa Wayyaanee) ti hin milkofne. Kana irraa maaliif baraachuu dadhabdan. ODF fi Actvistoon Oromoo Habaasha jalati gurma’uu yaalaa jiran ilee hin milka’an 100 % isiinfin mirkanesa, ofi ilee badani Oromooti ilee dhiiga dhangala’uu ba’isuu, Oromoon isaa durii miti TPLF siiriti reebde of barsifte jirti. Kana malee ammoo akkuma OPDO saba guda kana takalani saba xiiqa jala galchuuf yaadun matan isaa Oromumaa of keessa dhabu dha  ykn rakko enyuuma wara qabantuu biyyoota wara lixaa jala seene Oromoo takkaluu yaala. Oromoon wara lixaa ilee Habaasha ilee hin amanu sababin isaa laachun isaantu waligalee waga 150 nu garbomfate. Yaada furmata yoo barbadan email dhan mali goonu kan jeedhun  isiin erga  ykn Kitaaba Bu’aa Ba’ii Qabsoo uummata Oromoo Garbumaa irra Gara Bilisummati jeedhu dubisa.
    Ani tokkumma Oromoo fi Amhara hin mormuu garuu dursa nu Oromoon tokko ta’uu qabna, tokkuman keenya kun kabaja fi sadarkan keenya akka gudatuu goodha, lamaffaa feedhi fi haalaa Qeerroo dargagoota Oromoo xiyeefana keessa galcha mari’achuu qabna, kayyoon fi feedhin Oromoo maritti hin dhiyane jirachuu qaba, fakeenyaf wa’ee Afaan Oromoo, wa’ee lafa wa’ee hirre murtefana Oromoo kkf gaafi fi feedhi uummata ta’a kabajuu qabna. Waan wal qeeqnu ilee Afaan Oromoon goochu qabna. Waan walii keenya qeeqnu Afaan Amhara ykn Afaan English bareesun maliif tokkoffaa Afaan Hojii Oromoof Afaan Oromoo hata’uu jeecha Afaan biran fayadamuun seera of murtesite cabsuu dha isaa kana yeroo birra irrati dubana.
    Bilisummaan Oromoo fi Walabumman Oromiya ni mirkna’aa !!!
    Na ofkalcha
    Getachew Jigi Demekssa PhD
    Founder member of Oromo Federalist Democratic Movement
    Ex- Member of Ethiopia Federal Parliament
    Chairman of Oromo Parliamentarians Council
    Ernest Claesstraat 10 GLV, 2050 Antwerpen  Belgium 
    GSM +32 488 47 93 60,   skype gadaa.oromoo ,
    facebook gummi paarlamaa Oromoo


    Djibouti: Don't deport asylum seekers and refugees

      MONDAY, AUGUST 29, 2016 - 14:01
      Oromo students from the Addis Ababa Science and Technology University stage a silent protest in the dining room. Photo © SMNE.
      For the past month, Djiboutian authorities have been rounding up and detaining hundreds of Ethiopian asylum seekers and refugees with the aim of deporting them back to Ethiopia. They are at risk of torture and other forms of ill-treatment upon their return to Ethiopia.
      For the past month, Amnesty International has been receiving credible reports that Djiboutian police have been rounding up and detaining hundreds of Amhara and Oromo Ethiopian asylum seekers and refugees with the aim of deporting them back to Ethiopia. Summary deportations of Ethiopian asylum seekers and refugees from Djibouti continue to occur on a daily basis.
      The registration process for asylum seekers seeking refugee status in Djibouti is very slow, resulting in backlogs preventing many asylum seekers from registering as refugees. As a result, many asylum seekers in Djibouti do not have documents attesting to their right to remain in the country until their asylum application is finally determined.
      The number of deportations escalated after the weekend of 7-8 August, the same weekend that large protests in both Oromo and Amhara regions of Ethiopia occurred. Violent police response to protests that erupted in the Oromia region of Ethiopia in November 2015 caused a massive movement of Oromos out of Ethiopia. The Ethiopian government has often accused Ethiopians outside the country of planning these protests.
      The asylum seekers and refugees face a real risk of torture and other forms of ill-treatment upon their return to Ethiopia. Their deportations violate not only their rights to non-refoulement (the right not to be transferred to a place where the individual would be at real risk of persecution or other serious human rights violations), but also their procedural rights to oppose the deportations on human rights grounds.
      Please contact the authorities immediately, urging them to:
      * Immediately release detained asylum seekers and refugees;
      * Cease all deportations of Ethiopian asylum seekers and refugees in Djibouti back to Ethiopia;
      * Respect, protect and fulfil the rights of asylum seekers and refugees, in particular the right to non-refoulement.  

      Tuesday, August 30, 2016


      Ethiopia: Civil society groups urge international investigation into ongoing human rights violations

      A group of civil society organizations are calling for an independent and impartial international investigation into human rights violations in Ethiopia, including the unlawful killing of peaceful protesters and a recent spate of arrests of civil society members documenting this crackdown.
      DefendDefenders (East and Horn of African Human Rights Defenders Project), the Association for Human Rights in Ethiopia (AHRE), Amnesty International, the Ethiopia Human Rights Project (EHRP), Front Line Defenders, and the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH), are concerned about the levels of persecution and detention of civil society members in the country. Since last month, four members of one of Ethiopia’s most prominent human rights organizations, the Human Rights Council (HRCO), were arrested and detained in the Amhara and Oromia regions. HRCO believes these arrests are related to the members’ monitoring and documentation of the crackdown of on-going protests in these regions.
      On 14 August, authorities arrested Tesfa Burayu, Chairperson of HRCO’s West Ethiopian Regional Executive Committee at his home in Nekemte, Oromia.  Tesfa, who had been monitoring the protests for the organization, was denied access to his family and his lawyer, and released on 16 August without charge. Two days earlier on 12 August, Abebe Wakene, also a member of HRCO, was arrested and taken to the Diga district police station in Oromia. Abebe Wakene remains in detention with no formal charges against him. In addition, on 13 August, Tesfaye Takele, a human rights monitor in the Amhara region, was arrested in the North Wollo zone and is still detained without charge.
      On 8 July, Bulti Tesema – another active member of HRCO – was arrested in Nejo, Oromia. He had been working with HRCO to monitor and document violent repression of the protests. Sources told DefendDefenders that his whereabouts remained unknown for several weeks after his arrest, until they found out that he had been transferred to the capital’s Kilinto prison and charged with terrorist offences.  He has not been given access to either his family or his lawyer. The court has adjourned the hearing to 12 October.
      “New levels of violence are being reported in the crackdown on the largely peaceful protests that have taken place across Oromia and Amhara regions in recent weeks,” said Hassan Shire, Executive Director of DefendDefenders. “Instead of investigating and holding accountable those responsible for rights violations, the government is jailing the few independent human rights defenders left working in the country.”
      HRCO’s human rights monitors were arrested for attempting to document the large-scale pro-democracy protests and the following violent crackdown by the authorities in the Oromia and Amhara regions, as well as in the capital Addis Ababa on 6 and 7 August. Amnesty International reported that close to 100 protesters were killed and scores more arrested during the largely peaceful protests.
      Three journalists were also arrested and detained by Ethiopian security officials for 24 hours on 8 August 2016 in the Shashemene area of the Oromo region. According to the Foreign Correspondents’ Association of Ethiopia, Hadra Ahmed, a correspondent with Africa News Agency, was arrested along with Public Broadcasting Services (PBS) reporters Fred de Sam Lazaro and Thomas Adair, despite having proper accreditation. They were reporting on the government’s response to the drought in the Oromia region, where protests have been ongoing since November 2015. Their passports and equipment were confiscated and they were forced to return to Addis Ababa.
      “Despite the systematic repression of peaceful protestors, political dissents, journalists and human rights defenders, the absence of efficient and effective grievance redress mechanisms risks plunging the country into further turmoil,” said Yared Hailemariam, Executive Director of AHRE.
      In response to the on-going crackdown, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein, has called for “access for independent observers to the country to assess the human rights situation”. Ethiopia’s government, however, has rejected the call and promised to launch its own investigation.
      Ethiopia’s National Human Rights Commission, which has the mandate to investigate rights violations in Ethiopia, has failed to make public its own June report on the Oromo protests, whileconcluding in its oral report to Parliament that the lethal force used by security forces in Oromia was proportionate to the risk they faced from the protesters. Since November 2015, at least 500 demonstrators have been killed and thousands of others arrested in largely peaceful protests in the Oromia and Amhara regions and other locations across the country.
      “The lack of independent and transparent investigation of human rights violations in Ethiopia strongly implies that the Ethiopian government’s investigation of the ongoing human rights crisis will not be independent, impartial and transparent,” said Sarah Jackson, Amnesty International’s Deputy Regional Director for East Africa, the Horn and the Great Lakes. “It is time to step up efforts for an international and independent investigation in Ethiopia.”
      DefendDefenders, AHRE, Amnesty International, EHRP, Front Line Defenders, and FIDH urge the Ethiopian authorities to (i) immediately and unconditionally release civil society members targeted for their work and (ii) facilitate access for international human rights monitoring bodies including the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) to conduct thorough, independent, impartial and transparent investigations into the ongoing human rights violations in the Oromia, Amhara and Addis Ababa areas.
      For further information, please contact:
      Hassan Shire 
      Executive Director, East and Horn of Africa Human Rights Defenders Project or +256 772 753 753
      Clementine de Montjoye
      Advocacy & Research Officer, East & Horn of Africa Human Rights Defenders Project
      on or +256 752 183 305
      Yared Hailemariam
      Executive Director, Association for Human Rights in Ethiopia
      on or +32 486 336 367
      Seif Magango
      Media Manager – East Africa, Amnesty International
      on or +254 788 343 897


      Behind the Violence in Ethiopia

      Will Its Experiment With Ethnic Federalism Work?