Wednesday, August 10, 2016


‪#‎OromoProtests‬ Mass imprisoning of the demonstrators of last Saturday's‪#‎GrandOromiaRally‬ going on throughout Oromia. Many od the information we receiving from ground sources attest to this. The regime must know that such foolish, brutal & totalitarian measures only help us waxing rather than waning our fight back for freedom & justice.
"G/H Bahatti anaa babileeti magaalaa bisiidimoti sababaa hiriira sabaatatif ummaani bahef agaziin irraati dhukkasun nama tokko rasaasaan rukkuutan booda amaa kuno agaazin ummaatafi dargagoota keenyaa hidhaati guurati jiran girma nuf dabarsii dhamsa kana"

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