Saturday, August 29, 2020


" What goes around comes around"
Several media outlets reported the US Secretary of State's travel to the Sudan last week. It was also reported Mr. Pompeo summoned the Ethiopian Prime Minister there to Khartoum.
Meanwhile, the Secretary of State was served with a letter written and signed by US Congressmen with respect to the human rights violations in Ethiopia. The letter asked Mr. Pompeo to report the state of the human rights violations within 60 days. Coupled with this, Oromo activists who heard about Mr. Pomoeo's scheduled meeting with Abiy bombarded him with gruesome pictures of civilians' dead bodies.
Mr. Pompeo met with the Sudanese officials but only left a message that amounted to an ultimatum for the Ethiopian Prime Minister with respect to the GERD. He basically told him to accept the decision or face the consequences. Yesterday, the US announced that it would halt its financial support to the Ethiopian government citing the latter's refusal to accept the proposed agreement.
Abiy who had been well prepared for a photo opportunity to feed to his media for propaganda purposes returned empty-handed. When the west gives a cold shoulder, it is a sign that you are out of favor.
I remeber when Tony Blair appointed Meles Zenawi as a member of British Commission for Africa. Meles was a west's darling until they could no longer tolerate his brat attitude.
He mistakenly assumed that he could play China and the West against each other and do whatever he wanted. But he soon found out that he exaggerated his own political clout when he realized that he was shunned even by Tony Blair. Mr. Blair refused to shake his hand and appear in a picture with him during their last appearance at the G-8 meeting together. Meles walked around looking for a hand shake. The rich shook each other's hands and simply ignored him.
Abiy is not even close to being as influential as Meles was. He rose to power on sombody eslse's back and his downfall is betrayal of those who helped him become someone. He was nobody. In fact, he was unemployed while his family lived in a project house in Colorado surviving on a government handout. He betrayed the man (Lamma Magarsa) who gave him not just any job but his own job. This man is now under a house arrest. Abiy has done much worse than a betrayal. He has killed and arrested the very people who gave him the mandate to lead.
As the saying, "what goes around comes around" goes, we are seeing Abiy's downfall unfolding and it is a retribution for all that he has done.

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