Friday, August 14, 2020


Jawar son sent alarming message to oromo people he said , “My Oromo people!  would you be voice to my dad? If he was not in jail,  I am pretty sure he was voice for every oromo, Come on oromo?  why you forget my dad? He did not take care of me since my born, I asked him, ‘Dad would you kindly take care of me?’ He replied, pondering 🤔 and nodded his head 😭 inside; “ I am taking care of oromo, I will take care of you after I  Iibrate oromo.  Let your mom take care of you, I am going to oromia to librate my people;  then I will take you and your mom to free oromia. until that stay in USA 🇺🇸 with your mom.” His Son replied, “ Dad what takes you so long in oromia? Did you librate oromia yet? I feel lonely with my mom, I miss your parental role.” Dad replied, “ My precious son listen 👂 stay safe now  I am in jail in oromia with out doing any thing wrong. Dad, “My son oromo look 👀 at me!!!!! 😭 tell all oromo to be my voice because am defenseless right now am in jail I can’t speak for my self.”  His son replied, by nodding his head and crying 😭, “ oromo!!!!  why you let my dad stay in jail this long?  I gave my dad to librate you, he said, qeeroo and my people are my remedy beside God. What are you waiting ? do you want to leave me fatherless? Please I miss my Dad I want to hug 🤗 him bring my father to USA 🇺🇸 “

Via Chalton

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