Wednesday, August 19, 2020


Opposition politician Jawar Mohammed jailed last month by Abiy Ahmed Ali is critically ill and requires urgent medical attention but officials have denied him the right to see a doctor. Jawar's mother and sister who spoke to the media say he's unable to eat, speak or stand on his own and is showing symptoms of someone deliberately poisoned. His condition is further deteriorating and could prove to be fatal if left untreated. Other political prisoners such as Bekele Gerba, Abdi Regassa, Lidetu Ayalew and Hamza Borana have also been denied proper medical care in recent weeks.
These politicians were rounded up and put behind bars simply because they vehemently rejected the Prime Minister's illegal move to extend his term of office indefinitely beyond September 2020. Journalists critical of government, activists, and over 15,000 youths in the Oromia region have also been jailed inside concentration camps with schools also being used as makeshift prisons. Security forces are also on a killing spree to forcefully suppress peaceful protests demanding for more freedom and the release of political prisoners. In just two days (yesterday and today), early reports show that these forces have killed over 100 unarmed protesters in Oromia. Late last week, the police mercilessly killed no less than 15 young people in the Wolaita zone for peacefully demanding that their statehood aspirations be fulfilled.
The Nobel winning darling of the west has turned into an out and out dictator less than a year after receiving the award. His visions are archaic, his understanding deficient and his methods perilous. The world must take note that the Prime Minister's ill-advised attempt at emulating his tyrant ally Isaias Afwerki will serve no purpose but precipitate the disintegration of the country already on a cliff.

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