Thursday, August 20, 2020


Concerned and Disturbed!
What we are learning from Ethiopia is very concerning and disturbing. Jawar Mohammed, the political opposition leader rivaling the PM Abiy, the 2019 Nobel peace laureate, is seriously ill in jail. According to the reports, Jawar hasn’t been eating or drinking for the past few days. Reports also indicate that his body is swelling and some suspects that he is maybe poisoned. 

I have known Jawar since 2009 for almost 11 years. Our first face to face meeting was in 2011 in Minnesota on the wedding of my cousin. His wife, whom I had know since 2002, introduced him to me. I have closely worked with him, on the non partisan, non political and nonprofit projects on things that matter to my country and people, for 3 years between 2014 - 2017. 

This whole thing reminded of our telephone conversation one day, when out of concerns, I told Jawar to be careful and take care. I felt, even while in America and citizen of this great nation, there had been threats to his life by extensively stretched deadly arms of the Ethiopian government. Jawar had then evolved into a legitimate standard-bearer of the nation’s cause and an organization himself, to the extent his enemies would think killing him would also kill the national cause altogether.

In response, Jawar asked for my age and I told him I was then at early 40s. He replied, “Tekleab I wish I will live to see 40”. We joked and laughed about it, but now that things twisted the way it is, it worries me, especially, knowing what this government can capably do. 

Jawar is still few years short of 40 and the idea that what was said to be a joke could be a reality is haunting and daunting to me. If anything, I am beseeching the Ethiopian government to spare this bright middle-aged adult-man’s life to see at least the 40, he wished. I don’t even know what to ask? And what to say? at this point.

Jawar is a naturalized American citizen, and his son and wife still holding American citizenship. He renounced his American citizenship and lucrative job to help his country of birth, Ethiopia; with knowledge and experiences he acquired. He is alumni of Ivy League schools namely: Stanford university CA and Columbia University, NY.
Amnesty International
European Union
U.S. Embassy Addis Ababa
British Embassy, Addis Ababa - UK in Ethiopia
African Union
Human Rights Watch
UN Human Rights Council
University of Minnesota Human Rights Center

By Tekleab Shibru

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