Tuesday, August 25, 2020


I have a lot of friends living here in the USA and the western world. I have been following the posts of some of the most educated Amhara elites living abroad and I am deeply troubled by their increasing hate towards the Oromo people. We have witnessed hundreds of killings of Oromo civilians since the comjng to power of Abiy Ahmed. These killings are clearly disproportionateo to the reported incidents of killings of non Oromo civilians following the asasaination of Hacaaluu Hundeessaa. To Abiy Ahmed and his neo neftegna enablers- The Oromo are the enemy of the State!
I am troubled because I see a lot of my old friends, some of them physicians, are ideologically charged, and have gone as far as condoning the killings of Unarmed protesters, and sons and daughters of poor Oromo farmers as necessary actions to guarantee the peace and security of minorities in Oromia and for Ethiopia to continue to exist as a nation.
I couldn’t continue to see these massacres and not share these pictures because it is graphic or out of fear that it causes distress to the people who see it. It has already done incalculable damage to the minds of our people. Let me be naive. My friends, our haters may not have seen it. I am sharing it for my radicalized physician friends to see, just in case they have not seen it. Then we will some day hold them accountable for their lack of sympathy for the loss of these innocent human lives.
These pictures are only the pictures I considered not too graphic. I have avoided a dozen pictures I considered too graphic to share.
Afendi Muteki
wrote a piece about the killing of a 13
Year old teenager in Gelemso.
Here was my reply to what he shared”
“I said it many times and I will continue to say it , as
Many times as necessary.
Abiy Ahmed and all the top officials within his administration are responsible for these despicable crimes.
The Oromo resistance struggle will eventually triumph against these forces of evil and destruction and the neo-neftegna killers who are his enablers and who now adays are leading the killing spree in Oromia. Abiy Ahmed never publicly condemned all the horrendous crimes we have been witnessing under his administration. We called for justice, what we got is more senseless killings like this one. He is guilty! The Oromo have all the right to call for his removal Dead or Alive. The Oromo have the right to self defense! All cabinet members and top lieutenants are the legitimate targets of the Oromo Resistance Struggle. Enough with these senseless barbaric killings of innocent lives.”

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