Thursday, August 27, 2020


Here is the full statement!
“Senators Amy and Tina wrote letter to Assistant Secretary of Statate for African Affair on the continued detention of Jawar Mohammed and Misha Chiri.
It has to be noted that Misha Chiri remains in detention despite the court granting him bail.
United States Senate
August 20, 2020
Honorable Tibor P. Nagy, Jr
Assistant Secretary of State fo African Affairs
US. State Department
2201 C Street NW
Washington, DC 20230
Dear Ambassador Nagy:
We write regarding recent reports of ongoing violence and the suppression of human rights in Ethiopia. It is critical that the Department of State make every effort to help find a peaceful resolution that respects human rights, brings an end to violence, and makes progess toward a democratic reconciliation We also request your assistance in helping two members of the community from Mimesota who have detained as part of the government's response to potests in Ethiopia.
Minnesota is home to one of the largest Ethiopian Diaspora in the world, and the situation unfolding In Ethiopta is deeply felt by the Oromo community In particular, we have heard serious concems about two members of the Oromo community from Minnesota. Jawar Mohammad and Misha Chiri. who are still in police custody. We argue the State Department to take an appropriate actions to ensure that they are treated humanly and assist them to protecting and exercising their åll legal rights. We also respectfully request that you provide us with information as to what action Department is taking to address the ongoing violence and any Human rights abuses in Ethiopia including actions taken against Ethiopians with family the United States who have been critical of the Ethiopian government.
While Ethiopia has made a geat strides over the last two years to build a more inclusive, functional democracy, the recent political unrest and responsive actions taken by the Ethiopian government have threatened the progress that has been made. It is for this reason that we call State Department to work toward a peaceful resolution to the violence in Ethiopia.
Thank you for your attention to this critical issue.
Tun Smith
United States Senator

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